Making your own light bar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Making your own light bar


Well-Known Member
April 14, 2007
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City, State
Spring TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT
I want to get a brush guard, light bar or even just a grille guard on my car but i have the lower valence off so i dont think it will look good. Has anyone made their own? I dont have a tube or pipe bender so would i be able to make one that looks good with out these? If you have any pictures of your custom ones or have plans of how to make one please send them. Thanks

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if you don't want to use the brush guard then you can mount lights on the factory roof rack bar, i have had 4 lights up there for two years with no problems.

Well here are mine on my roof and have been for quite some time and are AWESOME when those little RICERS cut you off at nite....hehehehe



those look good. I might do that instead. but the light bar I was originally thinking about is the one that bolts on to the front of your car. It has a single pipe that comes out from under the bumper goes up to like the middle of your grille and goes back down. Has any one made one of these on their own before? Or has any one made just a grille guard before? I would like to have a brush guard but i think that would be too hard to make and to buy one and modify it to fit for me seems like a risk of ruining it. :D

those look good. I might do that instead. but the light bar I was originally thinking about is the one that bolts on to the front of your car. It has a single pipe that comes out from under the bumper goes up to like the middle of your grille and goes back down. Has any one made one of these on their own before? Or has any one made just a grille guard before? I would like to have a brush guard but i think that would be too hard to make and to buy one and modify it to fit for me seems like a risk of ruining it. :D

Oh, are you thinking of a bull bar?

I think he might be talking about an actual light bar, like the KC light bar for the front. A safari bar would present the same issues him and myself are worried [being picky] about.

We're both in the same position, we have our lower valance removed.. we love the look of the brush guard, a safari bar would be nice.. but it just comes down too much for comfort. So now the idea of custom has come up, or at least some way to modify a brush guard to fit properly with our modification.

I've thought about it... but... ehh...
Low durability..

Hell, I don't even have my front plate on... it would look odd without a plate. I guess I could cut it all off... but if that's the case.. might as well make a light bar that mounts to the plate holes for much cheaper..

I wouldn't be caught dead with that license plate light mount, but thats just me, I'm sure it has its uses. Have you considered just mounting them to your bumper? If I'm not mistaken all you have to do is notch the lower valence, not completely remove it.


I love the way this looks. But the problem is I dont have a pipe bender. Would it look wierd with all welded angles? But this is the sort of thing I am looking for. Not the exact design I would go with but something similar. Thanks.

NP bud ;) ;) , I have a bolt on bar i'll get a pic of to show ya what i was originally gonna put on the front of mine.....

bad link are my lights up top. fyi..i fixed the wirring so its looks good now that was a temporary setuip in the last pic.


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LMAO thats the other pic i was gonna post LMAO. Mine is pretty much like that only i have a spot to attach a skid plate under the rad ;) ;)

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I Sense drilling.....
