What is the best brush guard? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What is the best brush guard?

I personally don't like that specific brush guard... I like the sport ones.. they look more complete and look a lot better for the Explorer.

Custom front bumper would be nice too..

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OK, I know this is going to sound really dumb, but what is the "lower valance". Does anyone have a picture of one on and one off? Thanks!:usa:

Hold on one moment..

Here's a pic of my truck with the Manik back in the day.


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I love it.

Here's a comparison... thanks to Paraphoe.
[Please excuse the damages and missing trim, it's all fixed now]


I think the valence removed makes it look a bit meaner.

you wouldnt happen to have a lower picture of it? like showing how it looks with the brush guard and the bumper and how it looks from below? Thanks

I don't think he has it installed anymore...

o man. i wanted to see how it mounted. any one else have a pic of something like this? Thanks

It mounts to the frame where your bumper mounts sorta, search


you wouldnt happen to have a lower picture of it? like showing how it looks with the brush guard and the bumper and how it looks from below? Thanks

Hope these help show how it is mounted. There are 6 bolts and 2 crossbars on the bottome of the frame that attaches for strength and stability.


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Hope these help show how it is mounted. There are 6 bolts and 2 crossbars on the bottome of the frame that attaches for strength and stability.

ok so from the looks of how this was mounted, you would have to take off the lower valence any way, right? so i guess it wont hang down far and look funny. is this how all (or most) are mounted on?

Some come down low, some are right under the bumper where the lower valance would normally cover.


I decided to leave mine off, gove me a bit more clearance for the rocks in the front.

I would have to do minimal trimming if I decided to put it back on

ok so i would just have to make sure when i buy it that i get the one that comes up close to the bumper and it would work and look good. Thanks for the help yall.

ok so i would just have to make sure when i buy it that i get the one that comes up close to the bumper and it would work and look good. Thanks for the help yall.

Hey, you should check out the "for sale section" Like this page. you might be interested in some of the stuff there


heres my ex now

this is what im putting on


Body lift, eh?

Any before pictures of just the tt/shackles?


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nope sry...it sucks i keep seeing everyone with the b4 and after pics but I never took any pics of my ex when it was stock :(
