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Techieman33's Front and rear axle swap

Gotcha, I have a set of 03 Crown Vic brakes to go on my spare rear.

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Well, we have drama today folks-

Eric is on his way down here, and i just returned from the dentist. It was supposed to be a crown re seal, but the tooth was broken under it. Then , onr of the root tips broke in there deep-So, he dug and pried and cut and grinded and drilled and pried and dug and I feel rough.
While i was still in the chair-he handed me a percocet prescrition saying " here you need this. take one right away"

Todays work will be all Eric, with a drugged up coach.

Carry on.

the front diff would be out if it wasn't for that dog gone driver side bolt-
How are ya supposed to get on that? The only thing we can get on there is an air ratchet, and it won't quite break it loose.

The darn torsion bar is in the way of a decent breaker bar--you don't think it has to come out do you?

I think Evan's was easier with the front lift-so I call cheat.

the front diff would be out if it wasn't for that dog gone driver side bolt-
How are ya supposed to get on that? The only thing we can get on there is an air ratchet, and it won't quite break it loose.

The darn torsion bar is in the way of a decent breaker bar--you don't think it has to come out do you?

I think Evan's was easier with the front lift-so I call cheat.
I put together all my extensions so that I can get about 1.5 feet back from the bolt to wrench on it. Plus, multiple extensions kind of gives you an arc. :D

Which bolt, the left of the three long diff bolts? I used a long 3/8" ratchet, but this last time I had the whole suspension out.

I changed a diffy on a 03 sport trac with stock suspension- the front drivers side bolt wasn't that hard to get to- I think I used a 3/8ths ratchet with a 3" extension and the appropriate socket.

EDIT: I think :scratch:

It wasn't that hard though.....

Yeah-a shorter ratchet was the ticket-

Eric got a real good front diffy-there is no indication it has even been used-and it is tight.

It is in the truck where it belongs. We even had time to take Sheri out to dinner.

Now to start the rear. eric is a very goo mechanic BTW.

No to start the rear axle switcharooo

Another incident of falling masses, the front diff took a dive and bounce off my chest. It was pretty awesome.

Another incident of falling masses, the front diff took a dive and bounce off my chest. It was pretty awesome.

Took your mind off your tooth didn't it:D:p:

Took your mind off your tooth didn't it:D:p:

I was pretty well medicated.

Whoever said the front is harder then the rear is wrong-maybe it's just me but this is the first time out for this stuff, even the shocks are factory. we are fixing that today also.

Every nut and bolt is a fight. and the damm emergency brake. I mean what is up with that?
I see 3 little tabs to bend in allowing the sleeves to pull through, however I can;t seem to get all 3 to go in together--if that makes sense.

Now searching for a way to remove the e brake cable--in the meantime, here are a few pics--


  • no front diffy.jpg
    no front diffy.jpg
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  • New front diffy.jpg
    New front diffy.jpg
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  • front apart.jpg
    front apart.jpg
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  • Dropping rear.jpg
    Dropping rear.jpg
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Yeah, I've always found e-brake cables a pita. You can waste more time on an e-brake cable than anything else. If there is a trick to them, then I don't know it. :confused:

The three tabs, find a small hose clamp and get it around the cable over the tabs. The joints with the cable ends coming into a sleeve give me more trouble.

You don't have an extra pair of spring perches with all of the parts do you? I'd like to have a painted pair before I "remove" my left shock. Have a good time there, counting the Mercury's.

Well no joy-in fact we are now in a pickle

The passenger side rear axle is BENT!

So, in other words-the front is all ready to go, we have all the stuff swapped over to the new rear axle, and wer getting ready to fill with fluid, when we noticed the caliper moving in and out 1/4 to 3/8" while rotating the pinion shaft.

And, to be honest, the insides look cooked. I am no expert but everything metal in the diffy is blackened. I will post a picture--

Now, this is where it is time for the person he bought it from to step up and help out a bit. At his point that is all I will say on the matter. If the seller will make this right, I will praise him well for it.
On the other hand---

Yeah, this is rather upsetting

You have two rears complete yes? How do the gears look in the "new" axle? Is the steel discolored, or just dirty/covered? The gears are really stout if the wear pattern is good, but the bearings are more sensitive to heat. That's a shame if it's the way you just suggested. Night,

Rear diffy guts--to me they look blackened-
they appear darker than the picture shows--


  • rear diffy guts.jpg
    rear diffy guts.jpg
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And this shows the bent axle-notice the hub angle

bottom pic is rotated 180 degrees.


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    bent axle.jpg
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  • bent axle rotated.jpg
    bent axle rotated.jpg
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...Holy smokes...:eek:

...The seller had to know something was up with that axle...:splat:
