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I have 275-60-17 on the stock rims.

That size tire is only 30 x 10.8 whereas 86EXPLORER86 is looking at 275/75R16 which is around 32.25 x 10.8. Not to downplay your input, but your tires are only just over an inch larger then my X came with stock, and this discussion is talking about going 3+ inches larger then most came with stock.

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All you with the bigger tires: what gearing ratio are you running? 3.75:1? 4.10:1?

stk. 3....something

i got a quot to change rear end to limited slip with 411's

1200 bucks

i think im just going to change my rear end out with ranger when i get my new tran's

3.55 is the stock gearing

3.75 is also stock gearing. Both gearing were available from the factory. I'm also wondering if anyone has changned their gearing, and if so to what.

All you with the bigger tires: what gearing ratio are you running? 3.75:1? 4.10:1?

I'm running stock 3.55 gears and 265/75R16. I was going to put in 3.93 gears, but i'm running 1800 - 1900 RPM at 70 MPH right now which is pretty good. I've only lost 0.3 MPG (adjusted for tire size) since installing my new tires.

Next step will be programming to see how things work out. 0.3 MPG isn't much to make up considering that my driving style has gotten worse since I put tires on. I never really left the valley here before the tires, now I'm running 75 miles each way over the mountains (1900ft to over 5000ft to 4100ft and back the other way) once a week. I'm thinking that I can make up more MPG by just programming and getting my shift points adjusted a bit then I could with gears.

any pics of your tires ?

I'll get some pics tomorrow for you. The back fits fine. The front took some slight grinding on the steering knuckle. The letters on the tire were rubbing. I am eventually going to get some 1/8" hubcentric spacers to get better clearance.

Hey mounty03, I hope you don't mind me jumpin in here but I just put on some 275/55-18's on and they do rub at full lock, I was assured that this does'nt cause any issues, that all it does is polish that part of the sway bar. Did you actually grind down that part of the sway bar(the rubbing is pretty annoying), and is that safe? Thanks, Mike

Hey mounty03, I hope you don't mind me jumpin in here but I just put on some 275/55-18's on and they do rub at full lock, I was assured that this does'nt cause any issues, that all it does is polish that part of the sway bar. Did you actually grind down that part of the sway bar(the rubbing is pretty annoying), and is that safe? Thanks, Mike

take off your sway bars you’ll have full real independent suspension

If I remove the sway bar, what's that going to do to with the way it handles. I want it to handle better than it does, I was going to ask you what I could do to improve handling. Go slow, I'm not an expert.

If I remove the sway bar, what's that going to do to with the way it handles. I want it to handle better than it does, I was going to ask you what I could do to improve handling. Go slow, I'm not an expert.

Ok so the sway bar is restrictive
if you remove the sway bar each control arm will move on there own in steed of being connected to the other side so when one arm moves up it can not fully collapse or extend because the sway bar there

lets put it this way not that you want to or that you are going to but when i make u turns now that my sway bar is off i can get the truck on 3 wheels some thing never thought of with swaybars.

Your ride will improve with out sway bars
Take off front and back as well as the mounts.

Takes 30min front 30min back top’s and ull love it

Your right , I'm probably not gonna go 3 wheelin, but the thought of one of my wheels leavin the ground in say, an emergency situation, is a little unnerving(I live in NY, land of lousy driver). I mean what would this do to cornering and body roll. Oh, by the way, thanks.

Your right , I'm probably not gonna go 3 wheelin, but the thought of one of my wheels leavin the ground in say, an emergency situation, is a little unnerving(I live in NY, land of lousy driver). I mean what would this do to cornering and body roll. Oh, by the way, thanks.

the sway bar is not alowing the arm to fully extend or colaps the swaybar keeps the arms at some what of a fixed spot

You also have to remember the reason that the sway bar is there. It is so that there is not a significant amount of body roll. If you completely disconnect the sway bar you can not take corners as fast.

So am i going to be flying around my cab when I make a turn. And if I lower it will that help.

So am i going to be flying around my cab when I make a turn. And if I lower it will that help.
i know a lot about these trucks sir.
had the truck lowered

everything about it being lowered SUCKED felt every bump

i can take corners fast it just dips thats why i can get 3 wheel motion

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Thanks 4 the feedback, I appreciate it. Have a great weekend!
