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New Toys


Well-Known Member
March 15, 2005
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'00 V8 XLT
so ive been needing new shocks for awhile now and was waiting on a good deal so on my way back from a week long business trip i decided on my way through dallas i was gonna stop at the 4 wheel parts store there they were very helpful there nice and cut me a deal. anyways here is a couple goddies i got.




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how's that lift mate work? looks kinda dangerous

Your going to have some peace of mind owning that lift mate. Make sure you have a jack stand and a wheel chock to go along with it if you use it to change a tire. It's perfect for lifting the rig if you have stock bumpers.

useful as sit in the back of your explorer for months, and maybe years before someone happens to need it.

I needed my hi-lift jack a few months after I bought it. I was starting to think it was a waste of money.

i bought my Hi-Lift years ago when i owned a Heep never used it on the Heep. But when i got my Explorer(91) it has been in there ever since :D have had to used it a few times on the Explorer so it has more than paid for itself in the long run.

Nathan your not really planning on using those boots are ya? :scratch:

The boots can collect water and rocks and rust or damage the shock cans/pistons after time and prematurely kill the shock. If the piston is on top, it's better to leave them off.

Yep, I might be looking at buying one of those it worked pretty good, still didnt do the trick, but it took some time to get her un hung. And some scary not so safe hi lift maneuvers!
