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tow hook idea.


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(Thread Jack)
Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to explain that. Stiiiiiimpi!! you are so stupiiiiid!
(end of thread jack)

would this work on any other year explorers? I was looking into putting on a Front 2" hitch, but that required Air Dam Midfication I read? whats easier do you all think??

You may have better luck in the 2nd Gen forum. Wish I could help, but I dont' have a 2nd gen to peek at.

(Thread Jack)
Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to explain that. Stiiiiiimpi!! you are so stupiiiiid!
(end of thread jack)

Gus, WTH? I find what you posted funny, yet I am confused:confused:
Edit: After reading your post 15 times over and over, I see you read about how to post up some pics and you were doing the same, good job;)

And to the OP, you are getting darn good at the posting the pic thing;) Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to the pics you take when you are putting those hooks to good use:D

thanks limited, went and did some wheeling last night i am about to post!
