Guys sitting on 20s, come in! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Guys sitting on 20s, come in!


Well-Known Member
January 6, 2010
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Washington, DC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer Sport
Hey guys,

Since I am in need of a new set of winter wheels and tires.

I am looking to get a set of 20s and a set of all season tires. So can some of you tell me what are your tire size and whats the specs(width and offset) on your wheels and do they rub?

Right now I am thinking about purchasing this set of wheels(Sorry about bad picture, there was a set for sale on ebay but it is not listed anymore, not sure why). I want to get a 10" wide set, but I am not sure if it is going to fit? It is 10 inches wide with 50mm offset, based on some calculations, it is going to be .6" to 1.5" closer to the suspension and brake components. Not sure if I can do this?

Otherwise I could get a set of this wheels 9" wide which got a 30mm offset and should not experience any clearance issues.

For some reason I am thinking that 10" wide wheels are better. Not sure if I am correct about this?

Or I could go staggered 9" up front, 10" in the rear?

I need opinions and inputs from you all 20" wheels owners, thanks!

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Help me on deciding which set of 20s should I get for my 04

Hey guys,

I am going have to buy a new set of wheels and tires pretty soon so I want have a lot of problem narrowing down to one set of wheels lol. I cant just decide which one would I like the best.

Since I cant decide so I decided to make this poll so hopefully you guys would be able to give me a few pointers and your opinions to help me decide in the end.

Here are my options (click on links to see some more pictures if you want)

1. Saleen Extreme

2.Black cobra R

3. ADR wheels

4. Boss (doubtful)

5. ADR (in gunmetal color)

6. Boss

I think I like #1 Saleen Extremes, #2 Cobra R, and #6 Boss the most as of now.

Here is a picture of my explorer with 22s for your reference. I will be lowering the explorer this spring so try to envision my explorer being lowered 2 inches.


If you have a completely different set of wheels in mind, let me know! I am open to other ideas.

Here is a few things going through my mind right now:
1. Do I want another set of black wheels? should I get different color?
2. If it is going to be black, will it look too similar?
3. Do I want rivets on the wheels? My 22s got rivets on it. (it might become too similar?)
4. Do I want wheels with deep dish or more of stock-inspired

I dont know how to create a poll here so I guess just post about what do you think.


Those are sick rims!
But you gotta get them to fit in your explorers wheel well just like on that stang:D

Saleen Extreme or Boss, depending upon whether you want black spokes or not.



Those are sick rims!
But you gotta get them to fit in your explorers wheel well just like on that stang:D

It definitely would work. I did my research already :D

I agree that they r sickk but one thing that bothers me a bit is that almost all of the components of my vehicle's exterior are black such as head lights, grille, taillights, tint. So I am not sure if the silver of those extremes would blend in. How about gunmetal? I think I saw a set of gunmetal extremes as well.

yeah I am in need for winter tires. My 22s got summer tires and I dont think running 22s would do good in winters. 20s is going to give me some more sidewall.

I am not looking for another rims because I am lowering it. I am just saying that it is going to be lowered so just try to envision it being 2 inches lower.

Two threads, same question;)

I'd pick the Boss 336's(#6).

I have the Boss 306's in 20x8.5 with 275/45/20 tires on it. The backspacing is more or less 5 3/4's on an inch if I remember.

Here's a side shot of mine with the 20's, I am going to lower it a bit this summer.


Those are 22's? They look like 18's or 20's your explorer lifted?

want my opnion? do what I did and drop it..and keep the 22's


I was sitting on 20's last season..this season i switched to black boss 304 22"..but here is a pic of the old 20's


here she is now...


Those are 22's? They look like 18's or 20's your explorer lifted?

Are you asking if mine are 22's? No, they are 20's and yes it needs to be lowered.

Everyone, I think he is just looking for WINTER rims! He is keeping the 22's for the summer and getting some 20's for the winter.

the old ones were American Racing Chrome Type 603 Prism..they are discontinued now but can still be found on some rime sites

my mistake..i thought he was looking for 20's becuase he was lowering his ex and wanted smaller rims..but if they are just for winter rims..i would say go with a black and chrome..maybe the BOSS..I am a fan of those saleen rims though..depending where you are though, I would not advise custom rims for winter unless you plan on cleaning them every week at least once..I live in Michigan and the salt eats the rims up around here..just make sure to stay away from chrome finishes if you live in a salted winter area

I hear you on the salt! Mine are polished aluminum and took beating this winter, but I didn't really have a choice:( (I knew it was going to happen) Soon as spring hits, they are getting a thorough detail:D

where did you get your headlights done like that ?????

and what K are your headlights ????

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I was sitting on 20's last season..this season i switched to black boss 304 22"..but here is a pic of the old 20's


here she is now...


digging your x! gonna get the trim painted?

You got speed grille by street scene on your x? where did you find the black one from? I cant find them anywhere. Thanks
