to much lift issue? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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to much lift issue?


October 14, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago IL-DeKalb IL-McHenry IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 4 DOOR
I am looking into getting a first gen explorer.The one I found says it has to much lift and breaks driveshafts? Is there a easy fix for this,I will be getting this thing sight un seen?

It looks nice in pictures:scratch:

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Find out how much lift, what kind, and all the info you can. Post pics up here. Get pics of the driveline angles, lift brackets, and everything else you can think of. Post 'em up.

It would have to be a big lift. You can always get high-anlge drive shafts built from Tom Woods or other custom shaft places.

he said it as a 7 inch lift with a 5.0 swap I dont think he has any picts of the driveline to show.

I am planning on trading him my 1980 bonco that has a 6 inch lift on 38.5 monster mudders.I picked it up after searching for a explorer and figured its the same thing but bigger and has a v8 allready? but I have a soft spot for the explorer and this is done except for little tweaking? I just dont want to get in over my head.

I would ask him to take some pics of driveline angles and such. If you are buying site unseen, he should provide pics of anything you want...

could be separating due to the shaft bein to short. if that is the case a driveline shop can extend your shafts.

thanks for checking and repling.

Ok im going to meet up with the explorer and its owner in the morning.He said it had 4 inch lifted coils up front and somthing about needing to weld the REAR spring perches?
so I am guessing its a 4 inch lift with a 3 inch body lift? So now I am CORNFUSEDID.
I will take picts and will be needing a lot of hand holding as I get walked through this bouild-repair?

So far it is a carbed 5.0 msd ignition 33s lifted 4 or 7 inches automatic trans
comes with spare trans,converter and transfer case stock and 33 tires both mounted.

sounds like a spring over lift in the rear, not sure what he's got in the front, cause 4 in coils don't = 7 in lift... maybe a sloped body lift

Why aren't the rear spring mounts welded??? If he's driv'in it around and the axle tube has broken loose of a tack weld on the mount that may be a good reason why he's breakin shafts. And if it's that dorked up maybe this isn't that scream'in of a deal. I'd proceed with extreme caution on this buddy :salute:

OK I got it it was a long day. I used my buddy's trailor and destroyed his fenders with the bronco.I had to cut them off to keep from rubbing the tires,I got to the sellers house after 1hour and 15 one way. I get the explorer loaded not noticing a small piece of metal is rubbing the tire YEAH smoke and a flat tire reposition the explorer take off the rim and tire,limp it home kinda. Then I went to the trailor shop get fender and tire went home and install tire and weld on the fenders.

The trailor was old and beat to begin with but it wasn't mine so I still felt crappy destroying it.

This guy said he traded a jeep for the explorer and had no idea it wasnt welded until he got on it and snap.

So yes it is a spring over swap and he said the frame was notched for the fitment of the transfer case it is manual but isnt through the floor yet? He mentioned somthing about
F150 but I forget what he was talking about.It has drop brackets on most of the componants,under it there are extended braided lines for the brakes. It has edelbrock shocks a big body lift I didnt measure? It came with parnelli jones dirt grip 33x12.50 15s and stock tires also it has duel flowmaster exhaust msd 6al box,msd distributor,electric fan,it has a hitch the body is about average for a midwest explorer I will get picts in the morning.

So my to do list isnt to long some wiring install the front axles weld the rearend check the srarter I turned it off and now clicks no crank? It has auto hubs will put manual in.
install tow hooks

I paid $150 for the bronco and bought u joints for it and calipers and pads and put in rear brake lines so thats about $200 and some change so thats about what I paid for the explorer not counting fuel and the trailor mess lol.

If you've got a V8 project truck for that money you're way ahead of the game either way. Now go fix it right, make it work well, and you'll have an awesome rig!

Thanks guys.

here are some of the picts

here is the bronco that was traded




heres the trailor



the old trailor fenders


here is the explorer.

stock rims and tires



the brakes look big not sute what they were from?






That's a Superlift 5.5" lift with the SOA brackets.

Those brackets "say" they don't need to be welded but if you don't, well, you can see what happens. Those tabs are supposed to hit the old spring pads on the bottom of the axle, but under load they can buckle and you're gonna break a drive shaft for sure.

Just get those rear perches welded up in the right spot, and you're good to go. If you wheel it hard, you're gonna have to put some gussets on the front drop brackets as well as they apparently start to break.

I'd pull the body lift, trim the fenders, and run the crap out of it.

Oh, and get some manual hubs...

Good deal man...specially with the 5.0.

those soa perches are broken!!!

brakes look stock to me

that was hella of a deal you got that bronco for 100 bucks DAMN! and **** 200 dollars into it and traded a v8 swap explorer i agree you are WAY ahead of the game. that wireing looks a little iffy tho and that bodylift looks huge get rid of that for sure. but other than that your a lucky basterd.

that was hella of a deal you got that bronco for 100 bucks DAMN! and **** 200 dollars into it and traded a v8 swap explorer i agree you are WAY ahead of the game. that wireing looks a little iffy tho and that bodylift looks huge get rid of that for sure. but other than that your a lucky basterd.

edit ...... 150 for the bronco

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thanks guys.

I will try to make it a good trail rig.

the to do list

1-position the rear brackets and weld them
2-check the u joints on the front axleshafts then put them in.
3-make a linkage for the manual t case
4-clean up wiring
6-wheel stud
7- tow hooks
8-try to tackle body lift?

The rear brakes look kinda wide and the front look like a pre 90s style slide type?
I also dont know anything about explorer so I will be searching and asking a few more questions for sure.
