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next naches trip part ll

I'm game until I pass out, fall over in my own urine and have you guys stick a glow stick in my pants so you don't loose track of me in the woods.



Clam strips :rolleyes:

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i would say i am interested however i am not equipped for wheeling and am afraid i would just slow you all up.

If you have recovery gear (straps, tools, and such), good tires, and you are ok with the "chance" of body damage... Then I think you will have a good time, you can always take the fire roads to the top. A CB would be a good idea also, the trails over there get muddy in a hurry with a little rain and snow.

i would say i am interested however i am not equipped for wheeling and am afraid i would just slow you all up.

That would be quite a drive from Estacada but I'll bet it'll be worth it.

You can't be much slower than me so dont worry about that too much.

A CB is a must, so are good solid tow points (front and back).

Good tires are a huge plus too. Other than that we probably have enough straps and tools (he says while driving the rolling tool box:rolleyes:).

Make it if you can. :roll:

speaking of bringing stuff, who is planing on taking fire wood?

I'll be bringing some firewood.

really hopin my truck will be ready for this run!

After it leaves my place, all you should have left is the gears.

What?? you're not doing gears too???

What's he running 37's w/?.?? gears, that'll be fun. :rolleyes:

well right now im running 4.33s in the rear.. and no we are not doing gears yet. should have them by the 1st.

think i'm going to go with 4.88s

well right now im running 4.33s in the rear.. and no we are not doing gears yet. should have them by the 1st.

think i'm going to go with 4.88s

4.88 is the lowest ratio you want to go with on the D44 before you start to have problems with gear strength. Forrest, Chris and I all run 4.88's with 36's (37's on chris's ranger) and it works well, its better with the auto in Forrest's ranger (Chris and I ended up installing doubler's for playing on the rocks with our 5 speeds). I did bust two teeth off my ring gear a few years back but I suspect the guy that set up the axle before I got it (craigs list deal...) didn't have a clue what he was doing (way to much back lash). I replaced everything with yukon gears, and locker and have not had a problem since.

Get that thing going so you can beat on it with the rest of us, I hope we get some snow this next trip...

It's getting there. We rolled it out of the carport today on all 4 of it own wheels so we could roll in a small tractor that needed a new clutch.

Did you know that tractors don't have frames? When you split the engine and tranny (lots of bolts) the two haves just roll away on the front and rear axle.

Anyway, need some crush washers for the front brakes, run some new hard lines across the rear axles, set the rear pinion angle and burn in the spring perches, attach the headers and exhaust, seal and fill the 9 inch pig, run the rear hard lines across the axle, bleed the brakes, and add shock mounts to the rear axle. THe only hold up may be lengthening the rear drive shaft, and the gears of course.

It's getting there. We rolled it out of the carport today on all 4 of it own wheels so we could roll in a small tractor that needed a new clutch.

Did you know that tractors don't have frames? When you split the engine and tranny (lots of bolts) the two haves just roll away on the front and rear axle.

Anyway, need some crush washers for the front brakes, run some new hard lines across the rear axles, set the rear pinion angle and burn in the spring perches, attach the headers and exhaust, seal and fill the 9 inch pig, run the rear hard lines across the axle, bleed the brakes, and add shock mounts to the rear axle. THe only hold up may be lengthening the rear drive shaft, and the gears of course.

fronts brakes are done, pinion angle set, spring perches welded, twice lol. 9 inch is sealed,

now just need to weld the last shock mount on, hard rear hard lines, get the drivers manifold off and bolt the new headers on and bleed the brakes!!

gears and lockers hopefully before naches run. saweeeeet. gettin close.

right on, get her going and we will make naches a test run, it was for me on memorial day this year! plus it will be good to meet ya

hey arsoul you still coming, or you gonna puss out and not wheel with us:D i will bring some coors light...... a $450 per night hotel room in seattle and reservations at some fancy eating establishment waiting for me that weekend.

Well I was looking the exploder over the other day and noticed my slector shaft on my steering box is cracked almost all the way through. Keven broke his on the naches trail and chris broke his off wheelin down at my house, now mine is broken... Might be a good time to take a look at yours... My box is used but only has 5 runs on it (already gone through 3 pumps and 2 boxes) I ended up giving west texas offroad a call the other day so Im waiting for them to ship me some new stuff to "test"...

Well I was looking the exploder over the other day and noticed my slector shaft on my steering box is cracked almost all the way through. Keven broke his on the naches trail and chris broke his off wheelin down at my house, now mine is broken... Might be a good time to take a look at yours... My box is used but only has 5 runs on it (already gone through 3 pumps and 2 boxes) I ended up giving west texas offroad a call the other day so Im waiting for them to ship me some new stuff to "test"...

I know how you feel, my steering box has been dumping oil out the sector shaft seal for some time now, but the day before I left, the UPS guy dropped off a little present from AGR :D

Steering boxes!!

Part numbers, descriptions and pricing PLEASE!

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Not really a brace problem, just slector shaft failure... I called west texas off road and told them my problem so they are building me a cardon pump-explorer box to ram on early bronco dana 44 axle set up for my rig. I was going to buy a new set of Swamper Irocks but I guess that will have to wait... Andy and I are going to rebuild the bumper also, the last design failed big time on the "tree test"
