Is 1.5" 0r 2" spacers too much? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is 1.5" 0r 2" spacers too much?


Well-Known Member
November 4, 2003
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City, State
memphis, tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
I did already ask this in the wheels forum. But I'm feeling impatient.

I put on some 32s on Mustang 17" wheels. The wheels have a back spacing of 5.75 inches! and the hub sticks out badly.
So I wanna toss on some 1.5" or two inch spacers and i was wondering if I would be going too far. should I stick with the one inch?



Yes I know I need manual hubs. they are coming.

So you just want spacers because the hubs stick out to far? I don't see you getting a lot of replies.

Spacers are just flat a bad idea period let alone just for looks.

Well, I found out that buddy had the 1.75" spacers. These are made from a solid piece of billet, and use standard studs. But, the studs in the spacers were metric (Toyota), so I had to buys two full sets of lug nuts.

These wheels are 8.5" wide, and have a 5.75" backspacing. So i figured the 1 3/4" spacer would put the wheel about where it should be.

It looks goooood. Daddy like. I would of course rather not have another potential failure point, but the tires were rubbing on the inside. Now they don't rub at all. Plus, I pad $50 for the spacers and $72 for all the lug nuts. Not bad.




