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post pics of your engine bay

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I really need to get a more recent pic. This was taken just after we put all the powdercoated pieces in place, hot out of the oven for the most part (except for the upper intake, valve covers and oil filler which were already done for me).

I've cleaned up and tidied the engine bay a lot since. The plug wires are now red as well and are loomed up much better than in the pic below. I also did a Big Three upgrade in red and black.

Turned out well.

Thanks yet again to "Turdle" for the most excellent powdercoating work. :)


I'm not even gonna post mine because Celly's makes mine look like a total piece of crap. Haha.

X2, but I'll post it so people can have a laugh


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Ok..I'll play:D

Here's 2 of my engine bay's




Unfortunately...I don't have my new X yet so I can't post a pix of it up :(

Your not playing fair man:D......They look f*****' awesome!

will if JDraper can do it, so can i


81 merc capri, shaved engine bay with a 429 big block from a 68 ford thunderbird.........still needs a "little" finishing

Nothing special



Ok now that we are thoroughly jealous. What products do you guys use to detail your bays? And any tips that wouldn't be readily apparent?

Ive seen many items that Turdle has done. Im thinking id like to get my stuff powder coated when i go and put new upper gasket set on my X. So far everyones looks great.

Ok now that we are thoroughly jealous. What products do you guys use to detail your bays? And any tips that wouldn't be readily apparent?

With the powdercoating, I just wipe down with a microfiber cloth. I use Simple Green for grimy areas. Quick spray. Soak for a minute and low pressure rinse with a hose.

Ive seen many items that Turdle has done. Im thinking id like to get my stuff powder coated when i go and put new upper gasket set on my X. So far everyones looks great.

My stuff is 3rd from the top in Turdle's post above. :)

How do I keep the engine bays clean? LOTS of work. For one, neither Mustang sees rain, snow, etc.. I also do a light cleaning every time I wash the vehicle, and a heavy cleaning every month or so.

I use Simple Green, for cleaning heavy stuff and (believe it or not) for the shine, I use tire foam. Get the engine basically clean, get it warmed up slightly hose the whole motor and bay down with tire foam (I use the ArmorAll Foam), let it sit for 10 minutes and then wipe down. Works wonders..

and (believe it or not) for the shine, I use tire foam. Get the engine basically clean, get it warmed up slightly hose the whole motor and bay down with tire foam (I use the ArmorAll Foam), let it sit for 10 minutes and then wipe down. Works wonders..

I had read somewhere on about people using tire dressing like that. Do you close the hood while letting it sit too?

Yep. I close the hood while it percolates.

Ive seen many items that Turdle has done. Im thinking id like to get my stuff powder coated when i go and put new upper gasket set on my X. So far everyones looks great.

Several items under the hood of both of our Mustangs have been "Turdlecoated"...

Jon does a great job.:thumbsup:

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That is pretty Godamned spectacular.


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