5.0 Coyote Adrenalin engine swap | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 Coyote Adrenalin engine swap

Swap is officially underway today. Motor coming out. Let the fun begin. (and the challenges)

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And here she is... the beginning of perfection... Test fitting the new 5.0 today.


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wish i had the free time and money to make something like that, u can basically pull up to your avarage car and woop there ass in a truck lol

I've been reading that these motors are loving boost! Some guy has put a 200 or 250 shoot through his a few times already and it's holding up.

That motor with the 6-speed auto/4wd and a little boost would make for a SWEEEEET ride! It's a combo that would work perfectly in my 3rd gen;)

Can't wait to see how it all works out!!!

Nice! Was wondering about the Coyote Swap into one of these!

Manual 6spd MT82 is officially installed, along with the new shifter mechanism. Before you ask me how much effort this was to get to this point, let me just say that it was bear to make it look and fit like OEM. But its in there, and most importantly.... I didn't lose the cup holders!


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Fantastic job of fitting the shifter in there so well.

Wow - looks great. I am amazed the shifter worked out so well. Was it 100% custom linkage or a modification to a Mustang shifter? Throw is good too?

What are the plans for clutch pedal mounting? Hydraulic I assume?

Keep it up!

Look great so far, very interested to see how you integrate the electronics.

Wow, great job on the shifter location! Looks factory:D

I really want the new 5.0/Auto combo in my Explorer, but my money tree says otherwise:(

u should post a sound clip now or drive by video

looks great....cant wait for some video clips :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

I would love to do a manual tran swap. I'm not big on the 5.0 versus a forced induction 4.6L already sitting in there.

I HATE the transmission shifting in my supercharged STA. I would pay $4000 to rip the 6R80 out and put in a manual.

Damn that shifter came out clean! Nice work!

sweet build thank god some one finally did the right thing and put a 5.0 in one. those motors are just sick.

For those of you that haven't seen it on Facebook yet, here's the first video of a walkaround with startup and idling. Next video will feature a lot more.

Sounds best with good speakers to hear the exhaust rumble.

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Engine bay is almost finished. Just need to make a shroud for the air filter and a plastic cover for the PCM to hide it.


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