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My rear bumper with swingout tire carrier

Can you post a good picture of the release latch? I'm building a swing out carrier for my Sport Trac but leaving the factory bumper cover on for now to make it look factory. I'm trying to see how people mounted the latch to the arm and bracket to the bumper so I can figure out if that latch will work for me before I order the kit from EMS. Thanks man and great work on you Ex, it's on of my favorite on here.

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Thanks guys!

A+ work. What did the bumber/swing out parts cost? (hope its not in the thread, I haven't read it all yet :p)

A few hundred. Been a while so I dont remember exactly. I think I posted some costs in this thread so keep reading :D

..I don't see it pictured but how are you holding the cans down? Bungee?

Single 1" wide ratchet strap.

Can you post a good picture of the release latch? I'm building a swing out carrier for my Sport Trac but leaving the factory bumper cover on for now to make it look factory. I'm trying to see how people mounted the latch to the arm and bracket to the bumper so I can figure out if that latch will work for me before I order the kit from EMS. Thanks man and great work on you Ex, it's on of my favorite on here.

It is welded directly to the square tube and I made my own hook for the u-bolt to go around. See pictures-


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    m_rear bumper improvements (2).JPG
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Thanks man, where'd you get the lock pin for the secondary? I'm kinda filling Jefe's build using the stock bumper but mine has a plastic bumper cover, I'll be fabbing up a 2x3" tube inside the cover going from each Sid of the bumper for the spindle and latch and knotch out the plastic bumper reinforcer and body lift brackets to weld it in. Hopefully come next summer I'll have the time to fully fabricate my steel front and rear bumper. Thanks again for your help.

Thanks again for the info, I just went back and read through the build. I like the hinge design, I don't see any bearings in the blow up picture, how's it spin freely?

Ah, ok cool design.

Thanks for all the help man, I finally finished my swing out tire carrier. Check it out and let me know what ya think.


I scored a new Pull-pal about a month ago on Craigslist. A Pull-pal is about the hardest piece of accessory equipment to figure out a mount for. I originally designed my bumper to offer modular mounting and mounting the pull-pal is no exception. I built some removable mounts, here is what I came up with:

Lower mount:


Upper mount:


And the Pull-pal mounted:


I still need to make a 1/2" pin with a hole for a lock to replace the bolt I am using on the upper mount. The pull-pal clips in on the bottom and then the top bracket locks it in place. The shovel part will probably be strapped in my cargo area, I might make a mount for it eventually on the side of the tire.


...That shovel part also needs to be mounted on the carrier...No need in letting it live in luxury while the rest of it's parts are getting weathered..:p:

Where'd you get the tire cover that big from? Did you check out my carrier I built?

Where'd you get the tire cover that big from? Did you check out my carrier I built?

4WheelParts. I think it was a bestop cover and just barely fits my 32". It fit alot better on my 31s.

Yup, I saw it - nice work!

Oh, I thought you were running 33's. Do they make a cover that fit's a 33"+ tire?

Cool, thanks guys.

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This is exactly what I want for my 98 XLT. this is awesome. Nice job

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