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These were posted before, and I believe the OP said that they require LOTS of drilling. I know if you go to, they have different sets of Nerf Bars/Running Boards that requre far less installation.

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Does anyone have any more info on the Dee Zee running boards? My Dad (he's 83) has ordered a 2012 LTD and running boards would be a great help getting in and out (even though it is relatively low to the ground)... Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

I have Aries Offroad 4 in. Oval Nerf Bars installed on my truck. I think they look great. At some point I will have to upload some pics.

I have Aries Offroad 4 in. Oval Nerf Bars installed on my truck. I think they look great. At some point I will have to upload some pics.

Although I'm more interested in actual running boards, what was the installation of your nerf bars like? How did you mount them? Were their existing mounting areas that you could use?

The installation was a pain in the butt. It wasn't hard to install but laying on the bare ground and making sure everything is aligned correct before tightening all the bolts was no fun. I wish I had a lift but anyways, they are mounted on existing holes so no drilling is required. I prefer the look of Nerf Bars then running boards.

Running Boards

I put nerf bars on my 2006 3/4 ton Dodge and got them from Summit Racing. They were stainless so they would not rust, and the install went very smooth. Look at

When I got my 2010 Ford 1 ton dually, they came with the regular running boards, and I personnely like them better. I am from N. Ohio and snow/ice was not an issue. I also felt that they were safer and easier to use. If I get them for my 2012 Explorer they will be running boards not nerf bars.

... they are mounted on existing holes so no drilling is required.

Thanks, that's good to know... being that it's a unibody vehicle, I don't want to have to drill into it...

Being that it's my parents car, and they are older, running boards make more sense for them than nerf bars... nice to know that if we find some, they should bolt right up. Thanks for your input! :)


No holes for mounting, welding brackets, very useful for children and seniors, also prevents water and mud splashes on the doors, highly recommended

No holes for mounting, welding brackets, very useful for children and seniors, also prevents water and mud splashes on the doors, highly recommended

Tavin, thanks for posting that pic... What brand are those? Are you saying that they are welded on or that they come with welded brackets? With the door open, how much area is there available to step on? Is it A pretty thin space, or lots of room? Thanks again for the pic!

Salvator is Champ brand, purchased and installed in my home country, Nicaragua, not whether their country will have it, the vertical portion of the bracket welded to the unibody with a plate, and the horizontal part of the bracket attached with screws in holes original will try to take pictures, once you open the door about 6 inches of space, good resistance, has withstood 400 pounds without giving, greetings

Salvator is Champ brand, purchased and installed in my home country, Nicaragua, not whether their country will have it, the vertical portion of the bracket welded to the unibody with a plate, and the horizontal part of the bracket attached with screws in holes original will try to take pictures, once you open the door about 6 inches of space, good resistance, has withstood 400 pounds without giving, greetings

Thanks for the info, Tavin... Would prefer to avoid welding and drilling... although they do look nice on your car! Hopefully I can find something like that without having to drill / weld. :D

Knew it wasn't the US based on the Thule cargo rack. I've always loved the look, but I don't think they EVER sold those here!

Very nice look with the step bars!

Hi guys! I just want to ask, does anyone knows how to install the running boards on the new Ford Explorer 2012? I tried to check so many braces but i cannot find anything that fits the 2012.

There is another brand of running boards coming out soon, I have a friend that works for the company. I am going to be a bit of a 'test bunny' for them and hopefully will have pictures soon, sorry for the vague information - but my friend promises me that these are vastly superior to the set mentioned in the thread.

I'll ask him tomorrow what I can and can't release as far as information.

Hi Seafoam! Have you tried the running boards from your friend? Can you post some pics and how it was installed?...thanks

I ordered a pair from there yesterday. I can't have my wife sliding her butt across the edge of my leather seat all the time and prematurely wearing it out. I should have them by the end of the week, I'll post pics after I get them installed.

Hi! Do you have pics of the running boards and how was it installed?

DeeZee all Black Running Boards Pics

I have just finished installing the black on black running boards from DeeZee. These are easy to install, very happy with the look on my Tuxedo Black Limited, I think it blends in with the crappy plastic trim.
Let me know your thoughts, I was thinking pretty hard about getting the other two options as well.

Sorry about the sideways pictures, I am still trying to figure out this Mac Software.


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i like them the best so far.

I prefer the monochromatic look anyway and those blend right in.

Nice work.....How much?

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Thanks for posting. I'm thinking about the all black as well on my white Limited. How much for boards and mounting brackets?
