We are still going to build it promise | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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We are still going to build it promise


Well-Known Member
March 15, 2010
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el cajon ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 mercury mountaineer
I've had the merc for a little over a year. Some build plans have changed and because of the time it has taken the funds available have also changed. Parts have been ordered and room is being made in the shop for the tear down.

The basic plan to make an all around 4 seat, 4wd trail/desert truck hasn't changed.

So far we have the bronco donor for transfer case and front end, 5 33 12.50s KM2s, front and rear glass, 2.5 king coilovers (ordered), 62" spring kit (ordered), 3.0 king shocks (ordered) and some money for the rest, hopefully.

Some guys have shown interest in the build and I've been that guy wondering what happened when somebody never updates the status. So yes, we are still going through with it and we will start a thread when there is something of substance to put out.

Don't know how the question icon got put in there.

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Finally got some work in on this thing. I will start a build thread shortly and link it here. I will do my best to take pictures and write down measurements and what not.

Rear fiberglass is mounted, fronts are partially mounted, interior is partially stripped and the body and frame are separated.

Rolled the frame outside so I could pressure wash it and strip everything off it from the trans cross member back, except for the springs and axle. Have the fuel and brake lines left to pull. Engine and trans will stay on the front half for a while. It will be used for mock-up of the exhaust and fab the mounts, then tore down for an overhaul and a few upgrades.

I have the bronco frame in front of the other door with everything unbolted except the TTB and radius arms. Need to start grinding rivets to get the spring buckets, motor mounts and cab mounts off, then cut it and roll the front in the shop.

Right now it looks like I am going to stretch the wb a few inches to center the front tire in the wheel well.

Updates? Any pictures of the progress?

Ivans got knee surgery on wednesday. He might post some stuff on his down time. I know he has everything prepped and was welding frames together today. He was waiting on radius for final weld but they are build to order and we didn't know so they are laggin alittle. But it is starting to look like something. Looking forward to opening run in October.

Long time no updates...been busy as heck with work (promotion and a new job, but at least I have one, LOL!) and getting the final county inspection done on my wife's new house. I have 7 days to get this thing buttoned up and loaded on the trailer for the trip down to SOCAL.

It's taking longer than expected, but I am just one guy doing a bunch of custom fab and fitting. Right now the frame is 90%...just lacking mods to the rear crossmember for shackle clearance, rear shackles and some minor touch-up work. I have the engine and trans mocked up and in place. I had to swap to a Mustang oil pan for crossmember clearance, but was able to wiggle it into a near stock location. I keep forgetting to get pics and start the build thread...being super busy really sucks!






I got a new phone and can't find the pics of the frame he made with the engine, trans and transfers shoved in it. Thats sucks because that was most of the work, but here something to look at.


Found this one also.

Very nice, tough.









found some more pics

Looks like this thing turned out great! So many questions! Where are the two frames grafted together? What filled in the gap between these two pieces of frame?


Can you post pictures of the 62s and front spring hanger and shackle hanger? And are the rear shocks inside the frame rails? Can you post pictures of the bedcage or whatever mounts you made for them?

And the most important questions...when are you taking it out, where, and when can we see it in person?!

The center of the frame is 2x6 .180 wall rectangle. It slid right into the rear portion (factory junction point) and is about the same dimensions as the front portion where I spliced them together. The front is boxed up to the engine crossmember and the rear is boxed just past the shackle hangers.

I'll do more work to the rear once I have the front buttoned up. I need to build the rear bumper and then the cage and rear shock mounts. I will get some good pics of everything back there then.

The front hangers are .25" plate and the shackle hangers are 1.75" tube/bushings through the frame. I found measurements from some Yota guys for the best travel using the 61.5" deavers and 12" shackles. I set it up to maximize stuff without pushing the springs into a negative arch. There is about 6" up and 12" down, not strapped or bumped. I hope it works well.

The rear frame is notched about 2" in (up to the fore-aft rear floor braces) for clearance to allow the shocks to run out-board of the frame. That will make a big improvement in stability and cargo capacity.

The front hangers are .25" plate and the shackle hangers are 1.75" tube/bushings through the frame. I found measurements from some Yota guys for the best travel using the 61.5" deavers and 12" shackles. I set it up to maximize stuff without pushing the springs into a negative arch. There is about 6" up and 12" down, not strapped or bumped. I hope it works well.

The rear frame is notched about 2" in (up to the fore-aft rear floor braces) for clearance to allow the shocks to run out-board of the frame. That will make a big improvement in stability and cargo capacity.

I really want to see how this turns out, as I've been thinking about what I want in the back in the future, and I'm leaning towards 62s and also want shocks outboard the frame and was thinking of notching into the side of the frame for shock clearance. You still have the stock 8.8 with spacers, correct? How large are the spacers? Danwaters on here has a full width 8.8 with 2.5" bypasses and he was barely able to fit those outboard the frame.

6" of up travel isn't much for a desert truck and is less than I would expect from that setup actually. I have old beat up National springs and have about 8.5" and my truck sits low. Can you notch the frame a little for a couple more inches?

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Pushing them negative will gain an inch or so, and there is room to do that without notching. To get any more, the frame would have to be modified behind the front hanger as the spring actually gets close to touching it. Pics will explain that better. To maintain a decent life out of the springs, it is best to keep them from going too negative. I'll have to re-measure the bump...the 6" might have been to where the springs were flat...it's been a while since I messed with the rear.

She actually sits fairly low...looks tall right now as the front doesn't have much weight on it and is sitting on wheel dollies (which add about 3").

Yah, stock 8.8 with 1.25" adapters on each side. Could go wider and still keep the tires off the fenders.

Just measured it...8" axle to frame, minus the axle truss that has yet to be attached and the bumps.
