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Steering wheel, leather peeling


Well-Known Member
February 23, 2006
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Cologne, Germany
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'07 Eddie Bauer 4x4
Dear @all,

our 2007 Eddie Bauer with Camel interior developed a small prob with the steering wheel. At the place where normally my left palm is resting the leather has started peeling after 20.000mls. The question is how to solve this out.

Solution #1 would be to replace the steering wheel with a new one, so far as I know there is a Camel polyurethane version that was in the XLT or XLS. From what I've heard and read I'd stay away from a leather wheel replacement because the quality of these leathers aren't as good as the leather wheels were in the 90s.


Solution #2 to bring it to my favorite upholsterer an have a new skin installed. Problem here would be I won't get a perfect color match, so the rim would be either black or a non-matching camel shade.

Like to hear your opinion/input.

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Haven't noticed that on my 07 EB (camel-colored) so far, with 40K miles on odometer.

My preference would be go with reskin by good shop, probably in black.

Dear @all,

I think the best idea is to buy a new or used steering wheel. Sometimes I find details like 'redundant control' and 'CK' What does that mean for a steering wheel? I think cruise control was std on all models, so it must be something different.

Thank you for your help.

My Eddie Bauer wheel has cruise, temp, fan speed, volume, radio station buttons.

Dear @all,

I think the best idea is to buy a new or used steering wheel. Sometimes I find details like 'redundant control' and 'CK' What does that mean for a steering wheel? I think cruise control was std on all models, so it must be something different.

Thank you for your help.

If you buy a new one, don't you think it's just going to happen again? I wouldn't worry about it to be honest. It doesn't look that bad in the picture to me. My steering wheel has a lot more wear than yours does, but I also have 77,x.. miles on mine. I don't know...:D

I made the mistake after buyin my 06 with the same leather of putting one of those cheap aftermarket steering wheel covers in effort to protect the finish....

It took the stinking finish of all over the wheel and now I need to do something like this because it has got a sticky feel to the touch


you're right, I seriously think it will happen again. That's why I was doing some research and came up with 'solution #1'

Solution #1 would be to replace the steering wheel with a new one, so far as I know there is a Camel polyurethane version that was in the XLT or XLS. From what I've heard and read I'd stay away from a leather wheel replacement because the quality of these leathers aren't as good as the leather wheels were in the 90s.

I'd go with solution #2 and get it done with a quality leather cow/pig or even real camel. But that's just me, good luck on you're fix mate.

Also 2007 Eddie Bauer with camel interior. 75,000 km and no peeling at all!

And here is the solution: camel colored steering wheel from 2007 Explorer XLS in polyurethane. Perfect color match, rich leather grain, no leather peeling anymore

On the piece you boght, can you swap out the controls on the steering wheel? I've got Cruise Control on the left, Stereo on the right, and Thermostat controls on mine that I'd like to keep. Do the black areas snap out so you can put your controls into the new wheel?

How much did that run you? Whered you buy it from? Did you swap it out yourself?


got the wheel ofcourse from the blue oval guys. The controls are only snapped-in so you may use the controls from your old steering wheel. The wheel was around $250.

Swapping the wheels ie easy, deactivating/reactivating the SRS (read driver air bag) has a complicate procedure not to 'dissturb' the SRS controls.

Removing the ground from the battery for half an hour is not enough, this will create you some trouble codes. Plus the clock spring needs some attention.

Hope this helps.

Your solution to use and XLT/XLS wheel is probably a good one. Our 07 EB did the same as yours and we replaced it with another one. It's peeling again, so it ended up only buying us a couple more years before it looked as bad as the first one.

Thanks for the information in ur steering wheel thread. My Explorer had the same issues and it drives me nuts.

Where exactly did u find the 07 xls steering wheel you used to replace the old one? Do you have a link directly you can provide. Not sure what "the oval guys" meant.

Thanks again. I look forward to getting mine and seeing how difficult it will be to replace.

Thanks for the information in ur steering wheel thread. My Explorer had the same issues and it drives me nuts.

Where exactly did u find the 07 xls steering wheel you used to replace the old one? Do you have a link directly you can provide. Not sure what "the oval guys" meant.

Thanks again. I look forward to getting mine and seeing how difficult it will be to replace.

"The oval guys" means Ford.

"The oval guys" means Ford.

Thanks... I figured that, but there is an "oval guys" forum too. $250.00 wasnt a bad price. Wonder how hard it is to transfer an air bag.

@El Guapo,

removing the air bag is easy as you follow the correct procedure. This is not the time for a 'men do not need any procedures' like Tim 'The Tool Man' Taylor.

Deactivating the SRS means first removing the fuse 17 from the SJB and then disconnecting the battery.

Hope this helps.

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Seems like an awful lot of cost and effort just for the steering wheel cover guys. I bought a $50 fitted leather cover on the internet and it looks decent. Yes the stitching is large and noticeable, but nothing like those old cheesy covers from 20 years ago. The pluses are it fits perfect, is real soft leather, and increases the diameter of the steering wheel (assuming you don't remove the original cover first, which I wouldn't). Here's a pic:

