Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread! | Page 75 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread!

Thanks guys, trying to decide Black or White Cladding. Worried with Black cladding if might be too much black with wheels, tires all blending in.

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Some great lookin' tracs! I love how they all have their own personality! In other news, we got a snowstorm today in Denver.. lol..


Thanks guys, trying to decide Black or White Cladding. Worried with Black cladding if might be too much black with wheels, tires all blending in.

White would be better now that you mention it. If you could get the matched white from 04-05 ST's that would be awesome

Go with Gun Metal Grey or Graphite, it'll contrast well with the white paint and black wheels.

Haha, seems these trucks enjoy the snow.

Well the trac got a workout this weekend, from moving to a new job to flinging some mudd. My "buddy" directed me to a part of his property that should have "some" mud and obstacles to have fun with. About 30 yards in a felt the trac suddenly start to sink like quick sand and is was just balls to the radiator from there till I could get to a safer spot.




Lol I love how the very front end is just polished, gleaming clean. Sweet man.

Just another update got my tires I have got to get them mounted


Well it's official, I'm now a member of the SAS Trac club! I got the truck back down to SC this past weekend. It drives great and can do a steady 75 mph but is much more comfortable at 65mph. The gearing helped to adjust my speedo closer to correct. Its now showing 4mph faster but I will adjust that using the ScanGauge. I still have to climb under and check out the transmission crossmember and get dimensions for a front driveshaft. That's probably going to be the last thing for a while as work and crew is getting crazy, taking all of my time. If you have questions about any of the setup ask away. Enough talk, here's some pics.




I'd say the trackbar and sway bar work well at what they are supposed to do. The truck is solid at speed, in crosswinds and around semis. Quick disconnects and a track bar removal will be in store soon.


Looks great Pat. Lets see some detailed pictures of the steering and front leafspring perch mounts, etc. It looks quite a bit higher than Chad's was. Just a heads up, you can get H1 tires either 36x12.5x16.5 or 37x12.5x16.5 (any type, RT II's, like I have now, Baja's or MTR's) for $100 each, H1 wheels are really cheap too and to recenter them is easy. Can't wait to do my SAS.

On a side note I joined a offroad club called SWPA Offroaders and we're going out this Sunday to Creek Falls. For any of the regional members by me there's tons of awesome trails to run that I never knew about, check it out at to see maps pictures ad videos.

I'm so jealous that I don't have words...

Sick dude just sick.

On a side note I joined a offroad club called SWPA Offroaders and we're going out this Sunday to Creek Falls. For any of the regional members by me there's tons of awesome trails to run that I never knew about, check it out at to see maps pictures ad videos.[/QUOTE]

Hey rebel do you know if there Is a club for the east side

More than likely, I ran into a member of this club at a gas station by my work. Do a google search for eastern Pa. Offroad clubs, N.J. Offroaders, northeast Offroaders, etc. I know there's more places to wheel out there then here so I'd say there's tons of clubs. Check out the regional section on here.

Swapped my wheels out to this extra set of 18's that I finally found tires (275/65/18) for. Still have my other wheels and tires that are more for trail use. Also finished up the satin black painting to the bottom. If you look close at the front picture you can see the front hitch I just installed.


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Hey can anybody recommend a good shock for cheap I was looking at the Monroe Monro-matic or they have a gas charged one for cheaper

If you're just wanting cheaper ones like Monroe's get the napa brand shocks, same as the Sensatrac's but cheaper.

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Ok thanks rebel I love this forum you guys are so helpfull
