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4.0 Exhaust Clip Thread !

Thanks! Wish I could show it off at Gulches this weekend. Still might make it to Durhamtown but I'm not sure yet.

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Yeah man. You'll have to let me know how it looks. I think I might just go with the super turbo. I keep bouncing between that and a delta 40

Super turbo will be much quieter than a flowmaster. A loud v6 sounds terrible in my opinion. The super turbo is about as good as it gets I think. Its deeper and its noticeable but not annoying and loud. Plus the super turbo is way cheaper. I think I paid 35 bucks for mine.

Hmmm on that note definitely leaning towards the dynomax.

I think you will be pleased. Then again exhaust is very subjective. Everyone likes something different. Lots like the flowmasters, but really a loud v6 is annoying to me. My buddy has a magnaflow on his v6 camaro but on long trips its annoying and doesn't sound all that great. Its to loud for a v6. The dynomax makes it noticeable that its aftermarket without being loud. Offtrac can attest to that verdict i bet.

I kinda want loud but I agree that loud v6s just sound ricey. I don't think I could handle the drone either as much as I drive with the windows down.

Video of Super Turbo muffler w/o resonator, dumped right after muffler:

I'm definitely getting more drone. Jury's still out whether it bothers me or not. I notice it but it's not obnoxious and I can't tell if I want to add the tailpipe back or not. I think a tailpipe would help with drone. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Been a while, but I did deal with the same exact issue on my '69 Cougar after replacing mufflers and leaving tailpipes off for a week or so. If I remember, the tailpipes did kill the drone as much as you can expect on a 351w on a hardly sound deadened muscle car.

Tailpipes will eliminate in cab drone, it wont sound like your whole vehicle is a damned bee hive. When I did my exhaust I was only able to get the xpipe on the one night, so I had to drive with no mufflers just dual pipes right after the cats. HOLY SH*T it made your head buzz there was SO much drone. The thing to remember is that is is actually not that loud outside of the vehicle because all of the noise is trapped underneath of your truck. Tailpipes eliminate/tone down the drone because they direct the exhaust away from your vehicle and put the noise further away from the cab directing it outwards. It also allows for the exhaust gasses to further cool and slow down, making the sound deeper. 2 1/4" or 2 1/2" is the max you are going to want to go for a tailpipe. The smaller pipe actually makes it sound louder/deeper without making it go WOP WOP WOOOP all over town. You can put larger tips on, that actually tuned my exhaust in. It is deeper at low rpm, loud when you crack on it, but very reasonable at highway speed.

Thanks, that's pretty much how I understood it. Luckily, the muffler is actually past the cab and only under the bed. The drone isn't bad but there was none at all before I cut it off. I think I'm going to put the tailpipe back but keep the resonator out.

I was on a different thread with this, glad I found you guys! What I did on my 4.0sohc was duel 27 in. thrush packs, left the cats where the were, and ran tail pipes out the passenger side behind the tire. Sounds great to me! I used 2.25 in-out mufflers and 2 in. tailpipes. Gas millage? Picked up exactly 1.6 mpg. Low end power? A little. High end? bout the same. Tried it first with 12in. dumps out of the mufflers, just not what I was looking for but it did sound good! Like it better with the tails. I do have a 2 door explorer. This set up is good if you are on a budget(we all are)and can do all or most of the work yourself.

Flowmaster Super 10 Series (not for street use supposedly)

Here is a picture of my 10 Series Flowmaster along with a mediocre sound clip. The truck was not on a 'cold' start, but it had been off for 45 minutes prior to the sound clip so it had to warm up again for a minute, though it was 108degrees outside. Resonator is off, stock cats and stock headers. Nothing fancy, but a good growl...or should i say purr :)


i am having a difficult time embedding the video in, but the link is below. :)


Let me know your thoughts! Thanks all for watching :)

Magnaflow OHV

I am currently running no cats with a magnaflow muffler out the back with a 3" tip using stock exhaust tubing. I was running no muffler with cats but wanted to see how it sounded without them. I unbolted them and had a pipe fitted into the oval shaped hole where the bolt on is and then welded it. The true straight pipe with OHV sounded great. extremely loud WOT. I then had to put a muffler on it because my girlfriend didnt like it because it was too loud. In my opinion it was too loud but i liked it. I chose a magnaflow muffler to quiet it down. Magnaflows are generally quiet but without cats it sounds really good just not loud like it was. WOT is still a little loud. let me know if you want to hear a clip and i will film one. I also was able to do this without have a CEL pop up. I also have a sound clip of the true straight pipe if someone wants to hear it.

The true straight pipe with OHV sounded great. extremely loud WOT.

I had a 94 explorer xlt OHV. It was straight piped, no cats, no muffler, 4" diameter 12" long tractor tip at the end. Holy crap that thing sounded AWESOME! Crazy loud at WOT. Had a crackle to it like the motor was hopped up.

I then had to put a muffler on it because my girlfriend didnt like it because it was too loud. In my opinion it was too loud but i liked it.

That's an unfortunate thing...My girl loved the old 94, the 99 I had after that had the exhaust that I've posted in this thread. It would put her to sleep. And then there's my new truck that sounds like an old school muscle car. I've always had a loud vehicle and luckily she loves it!

I had a 94 explorer xlt OHV. It was straight piped, no cats, no muffler, 4" diameter 12" long tractor tip at the end. Holy crap that thing sounded AWESOME! Crazy loud at WOT. Had a crackle to it like the motor was hopped up.

That's an unfortunate thing...My girl loved the old 94, the 99 I had after that had the exhaust that I've posted in this thread. It would put her to sleep. And then there's my new truck that sounds like an old school muscle car. I've always had a loud vehicle and luckily she loves it!

yes mine sounded amazing just idling.

97 5.0L with stock manifolds and the first set of cats into an X-Pipe then a Spintech muffler with a 3in turndown.

I'v had 5 different V8 Explorers and I have always wanted to put this combo on one so I am very excited and happy with the way it turned out.




OOOPS sorry wrong thread for this post but I'll leave it here anyways and post it in the 5.0 thread.
Sorry again!

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97 5.0L with stock manifolds and the first set of cats into an X-Pipe then a Spintech muffler with a 3in turndown.

I'v had 5 different V8 Explorers and I have always wanted to put this combo on one so I am very excited and happy with the way it turned out.




OOOPS sorry wrong thread for this post but I'll leave it here anyways and post it in the 5.0 thread.
Sorry again!

That's just cruel to us 4.0 guys.

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