Painted my common black wheels today, old school miliary style. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Painted my common black wheels today, old school miliary style.


Explorer Addict
March 6, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Sport Trac
Got bored today and since the big welder at work is not working correctly at this point in time I couldn't do any fab work so I crossed one more thing off my do do list.

I really miss my '79 IH Scout II and since the ST has a smaller bolt pattern then the Scout had I can't even use the old style creme colored wagon wheels. SO I did the next best thing with what I had.
I grew up with everyone in my family in the Military (mainly the Marines). Went and picked up some Rustoleum Camouflage Sand, sprayed the wheels with brake cleaner to clean the wheels and scuff up the powdercoating alittle with paper towels. Masked off the tires off, luckily as most of ya'll know the Duratrac's have a nice big bead guard on the bead of the tire which was great for the tape to stick to. Let me know what ya'll think.







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Nice, I think it looks good. I really like that color.

Man that blue regular cab truck looks great. Oh and the wheels do too. Good job on the paint :thumbsup:

Ooh, I do like that. I bet that would look great on my green. Wish I had thought of it.

Lono, "Rustoleum Camouflage Sand", it was regular paint. Itll get scratched up this weekend but the good thing sbout camo paint is you can touch up spots and it blends right in. Hugh, I think the Army Green or khaki would look better on your estate green Trac.

Looks great!!:salute:

Very cool Jerry, gotta be a first for an ST. Better for hiding dirt too! ;)

Those would better on my gold truck Jerry so cough me up. LOL

I was thinking that it would look pretty good on a harvest gold ST and a maroon ST.

Those wheels look GREAT, Rebel! Way to step out on a ledge with that one, though lol- really knocked it out of the park with the choice.
