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Livernois Motorsports 2013 Explorer Sport

We have released a new update for our AIW tuning device that dramatically improves the speed when uploading tune files to the vehicles.

Just simply plug into your PC and update the device the same as you have done initially to download the tune files using our tuner update application.

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We have released a new update for our AIW tuning device that dramatically improves the speed when uploading tune files to the vehicles.

How about one that dramatically improves the speed of the XV1 tune release? :D

I hate to bust your balls, but Livernois announced the release weeks ago.

The boys at Livernois will have my Exploder on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. I'll let you all know what I think.......

All PM's replied to, thanks guys! We appreciate the inquiries, keep them coming.

Hey guys we have some good news for everyone who has been patiently waiting for the Corsa cat-back.

A Livernois exclusive Corsa premium cat-back exhaust system for your EcoBoost powered Explorer Sport. Many hours of r&d have been put into this product and we can not be more pleased with the fitment and sound of this system. We are currently taking pre-orders for the first batch due in mid January.

This system has been designed to feature the same quality you expect from Corsa, and the Performance that you expect from Livernois Motorsports.

Some features that this exhaust has include:

USA T304ss
Full 2.5" Mandrel bent piping for increased flow
Deep Throaty sound, modeled after the successful Corsa system for the SHO
Fully compatible with Upcoming Livernois performance Downpipes for the ultimate performance exhaust (coming soon)

To Pre-order this system, please visit this link:


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Livernois problems?....

Has anyone had any problems yet with any tunes? I am still watching this closely. I really want to pull the trigger but and scared crapless that if something happens and Ford won't honor the warranty, my wife is going to hang me by myballs.

Has anyone had any problems yet with any tunes? I am still watching this closely. I really want to pull the trigger but and scared crapless that if something happens and Ford won't honor the warranty, my wife is going to hang me by myballs.

The tunes are tested and generally safe, but you have to be wiling to pay to play. If you aren't ready to pay out if pocket for an engine malfunction caused by the change in tune, then you shouldn't consider it. There is a high likelihood that Ford will deny warranty service on an engine failure if you tune.

Are these tunes likely to cause an engine failure? No. Is it possible something else goes wrong, and the tune prompts them to reject warranty service? Yes

The tunes are tested and generally safe, but you have to be wiling to pay to play. If you aren't ready to pay out if pocket for an engine malfunction caused by the change in tune, then you shouldn't consider it. There is a high likelihood that Ford will deny warranty service on an engine failure if you tune.

Are these tunes likely to cause an engine failure? No. Is it possible something else goes wrong, and the tune prompts them to reject warranty service? Yes

Thank you for your kind words!

Has anyone had any problems yet with any tunes? I am still watching this closely. I really want to pull the trigger but and scared crapless that if something happens and Ford won't honor the warranty, my wife is going to hang me by myballs.

We currently maintain a zero percent failure rate on all of our EcoBoost tuning devices. We have not had any customers report the dealer voided any warranty due to our tuning. That being said this is all dependent upon the relationship between you and your dealer.

Has anyone had any problems yet with any tunes? I am still watching this closely. I really want to pull the trigger but and scared crapless that if something happens and Ford won't honor the warranty, my wife is going to hang me by myballs.

Do some searching, there is a good chance you will have a stutter issue at 4500 rpms that Livernois has not fixed as of yet. It's becoming more wide spread and has been a solid month with no cure on my end. Lund had the same issue but has resolved it for their DD tune and is suppose to be working on a fix for their SS tune.

Do some searching, there is a good chance you will have a stutter issue at 4500 rpms that Livernois has not fixed as of yet. It's becoming more wide spread and has been a solid month with no cure on my end. Lund had the same issue but has resolved it for their DD tune and is suppose to be working on a fix for their SS tune.
We have had a few customers have some issues with a stumble we believe it is a result of winter blend gas and colder weather. We have an update that completely fixes it. Please send an email in to if you would like it. In warmer climates this update is not necessary.

Ill make sure we get this info out in more areas

I hope this helps clear up confusion.


We have had a few customers have some issues with a stumble we believe it is a result of winter blend gas and colder weather. We have an update that completely fixes it. Please send an email in to if you would like it. In warmer climates this update is not necessary.

Ill make sure we get this info out in more areas

I hope this helps clear up confusion.


The excuse of winter fuel is getting old. It's a lie. I posted videos showing exactly what the problem is. The fuel rail pressure tanks at 4500rpm and Livernois has not fixed it.
The fix you are speaking of the v7 tune is for the Sho and i, like others have an Esport.
I ran every tune you guys have even the 89 tune and they all tank at 4500 rpms.
I have logs and video to prove it. I also ran 104 octane race fuel to test the WINTER FUEL excuse. The pressure tanks regardless of fuel type.
Lund has fixed this issue in their tunes why has Livernois not fixed it?

I first made a call asking about it over a month ago and was told winter fuel. I then setup to log and video then shared the videos with you guys and at that point was told YES WE KNOW THE PRESSURE IS DROPPING. Finally you dropped the winter fuel act once i put proof in your face.
Seriously not happy with the way you treat customers when there is an issue.
Also the v7 tune has not even fixed the problem. Those users still get the stutter just to a lessoned degree.
Perhaps you have another tune that does finally cure it? How about the Esport though?

The excuse of winter fuel is getting old. It's a lie. I posted videos showing exactly what the problem is. The fuel rail pressure tanks at 4500rpm and Livernois has not fixed it.
The fix you are speaking of the v7 tune is for the Sho and i, like others have an Esport.
I ran every tune you guys have even the 89 tune and they all tank at 4500 rpms.
I have logs and video to prove it. I also ran 104 octane race fuel to test the WINTER FUEL excuse. The pressure tanks regardless of fuel type.
Lund has fixed this issue in their tunes why has Livernois not fixed it?

I first made a call asking about it over a month ago and was told winter fuel. I then setup to log and video then shared the videos with you guys and at that point was told YES WE KNOW THE PRESSURE IS DROPPING. Finally you dropped the winter fuel act once i put proof in your face.
Seriously not happy with the way you treat customers when there is an issue.
Also the v7 tune has not even fixed the problem. Those users still get the stutter just to a lessoned degree.
Perhaps you have another tune that does finally cure it? How about the Esport though?

Honestly sorry you feel this way. I can see the frustration by the caps. We try our hardest to keep customers happy and have an open line of communication. We don't bs, we don't guess, and we have integrity. We know the problem with the with the fuel pressure. There is alot more than a one line answer. The cold weather and the need of substantial more fuel is the main problem in addition to the winter blend (I don't want to get into that). We have a fix for the explorer and can update you ASAP. Ill do it tonight just post your serial.


While we are speaking about Livernoise tunes, what's the status on the XV1? I bought the thermostat and bar sensor months ago and have been patiently waiting for an update.

Thanks for any info you can provide.

Honestly sorry you feel this way. I can see the frustration by the caps. We try our hardest to keep customers happy and have an open line of communication. We don't bs, we don't guess, and we have integrity. We know the problem with the with the fuel pressure. There is alot more than a one line answer. The cold weather and the need of substantial more fuel is the main problem in addition to the winter blend (I don't want to get into that). We have a fix for the explorer and can update you ASAP. Ill do it tonight just post your serial.


If you have a fix that is amazing. I'm not sure why it wasn't sent out automatically but a fix is a fix. My s/n 1565504

If i had been given the fix before this point my frustration would not have gotten so high. I don't mean to stir trouble but over a month of waiting can do that.

If you have a fix that is amazing. I'm not sure why it wasn't sent out automatically but a fix is a fix. My s/n 1565504

If i had been given the fix before this point my frustration would not have gotten so high. I don't mean to stir trouble but over a month of waiting can do that.

Hey we gave you an 87 Tune, wasn't sure what gas you had in the truck so if you want 91 or 93 just send us an email and we will update you. Again we apologize for the delay and thanks for supporting us and our product. If you can please let us know this works for you. If it doesn't please email an we will try an get back to you asap.

Please update the programmer via the tuner update software

Thank you



Livernois, is your update basically a watered down and softened tune? I don't want to weaken it when the weather is warmer, it seems like a bandaid if that is what was done.

Hey we gave you an 87 Tune, wasn't sure what gas you had in the truck so if you want 91 or 93 just send us an email and we will update you. Again we apologize for the delay and thanks for supporting us and our product. If you can please let us know this works for you. If it doesn't please email an we will try an get back to you asap.

Please update the programmer via the tuner update software

Thank you


I sent you an return email. I am running 93 octane. I will let you know either way on how the tune performs.
Thank you for the update.:thumbsup:

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Put the corrected 87 tune in and it ran just fine. No stutter or fuel rail pressure drop.
Ready to try out the corrected 93 tune now. Happy to see the bugs getting worked out!!!
