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Best spark plugs

March 12, 2013
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1998 explorer sport 4x4
what are the best plugs to install in my 98 explorer v-6 SOHC ?

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lots of opinions on this subject. platinum, double platinum, iridium... for my money Motorcraft or Autolite (same manufacturer) double platinum.

I have double platinum Auto Lite plugs off rock auto... They are great. Just remember don't get bosch ones. From my days with a 99 F-150 bosch plugs are hated. They shake your vehicle lol!

NGK Laser Iridium.
It is specifically designed for waste spark systems.

As for the double platinum - they are just OK, not the best. They where the state of the art in 1996. But in 2014, even Ford switched to finewire plugs in newer models.

i run Autolite Platinum in mine never had any problems with them.

i run Autolite Platinum in mine never had any problems with them.
Single platinum where never recommended for Explorer's ignition system.

Single platinum where never recommended for Explorer's ignition system.

Yes, but only because they wont last as long on the right bank

Well, then they are not "the best" for the job.

It's not only "lasting" issue for plugs, they will increase also the arc voltage on that bank - reflected on coils life/temperature, reflected on wires aging faster...

Well, then they are not "the best" for the job.

It's not only "lasting" issue for plugs, they will increase also the arc voltage on that bank - reflected on coils life/temperature, reflected on wires aging faster...

Nothing wrong with Single platinium plugs, in fact they came from the factory with single plats on the left bank!!!

I just said what's wrong.
Big, flat tips where the only possibility in 1996, but things evolve. No need for compromises anymore.

My comment was that single platinum plugs will not damage your ignition system as you claim. This is proven by the fact that single plats are factory installed on the left bank of the V6 engine. Putting double platinum plugs in the left bank is just a waste of money on this engine.

thank you guys for all the important information and help

So, the consensus is autolite platinum or double platinum are best. Problem solved.


Make it Stop...

Well I've got a nice V6 over here and I believe it has Motorcraft SP500 in it.

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BINGO! Thousands of OEM Motorcraft SP500 plugs installed on 4.0L SOHC's without a single complaint.

Umm, how do you know there has never been a complaint?
