AVS Bugflector II Mounting Hardware? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AVS Bugflector II Mounting Hardware?


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2014
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City, State
Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer XLT 5.0 AWD
I just picked up an AVS Bugflector II "New In Box" on craigslist for the Explorer. He said he had it from years back and never put it on and it does look to be new, but it didn't come with any mounting hardware.

I'm not sure if it uses screws and/or double-sided tape, but if you own one of these and could tell me how it is mounted, I'd appreciate it.

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Mine uses push pins that have a plastic Phillips head screw that goes in them like a wedge, the bug shield should have holes in the bottom edge that when placed on the open hood line up with factory holes then you just push the pins in

Mine uses push pins that have a plastic Phillips head screw that goes in them like a wedge, the bug shield should have holes in the bottom edge that when placed on the open hood line up with factory holes then you just push the pins in

Would you know the exact name of one of these push pins? I'm reading and watching some videos but the mounting hardware is different on different trucks and years.

On one video the guy said it was a 'well nut'. I did a search and came across something like this:

I found a few more pics, but not actual links to the parts (because I don't know what every little screw, rivet, nut etc... is called) and was wondering if one of these is more like what I should be looking for.

(Toilet Seat Fixing?)


Would any of these work? If anyone could chime in with parts & sizes, again, I'd appreciate it. Thanks

Scrivet? :scratch: LOL
Bet if you contact AVS/Lund direct explaining your situation they would send the hardware kit free. Never hurts to ask. ;)

AVS® 23545 - Smoke Bugflector™ Hood Shield

Hmmm I thought you just combined the words rivet and screw and were joking, but apparently its just a real thing and people are lazy when naming. Thanks for that and I am hoping to find an alternative at Home Depot or Lowes, but I will contact them as well. Thanks for the info

Ok now is there a specific size screw rivet I should be looking for?

Also, I went to pop the hood to see how this mounts and I believe there is only rubber in 2 of the 6 holes that this will be mounting into. Is that normal?

I have seen them in auto zone and a few other part stores also in ace hardware , its storming here but in the morning I'll get you a picture of one

It uses these little guys. The proper term is actually a trim retainer or clip with a screw.
Any auto parts store has them in little bins that you can get. Mine holds on the same way. I just need to find the little gummy things to put on my fenders cause the bug guard is starting to scratch them up.


  • how-to-remove-panel-clips-retainers-and-trim-rivets-60970_1.jpg
    37.8 KB · Views: 452

Yea those lol

It uses these little guys. The proper term is actually a trim retainer or clip with a screw.
Any auto parts store has them in little bins that you can get. Mine holds on the same way. I just need to find the little gummy things to put on my fenders cause the bug guard is starting to scratch them up.

Thanks I saw these I just dont know if any size works or not? Also, is there supposed to be rubber in the holes under the hood or is ok that only 1 hole on each side has them? Some1 check their hood?

I'm glad it uses these screw rivets instead of what i thought i saw on other models.

You can find those gummy things at home depot. They're called self-adhesive bumpons

Uh, mine doesn't have any rubber?

The clips just need to push in snugly, then as you tighten them, they expand. Mine is only on 4 of 6 clips right now and it's held up on the highway (I should really fix that..).

Just get a size that fits snug, and use those.

Hmm, Gummy shopping tomorrow! :p:

Oh yeah, while we're at it, can you also use these for like interior panels? Does it require a specific size or no?

Uh, mine doesn't have any rubber?

The clips just need to push in snugly, then as you tighten them, they expand. Mine is only on 4 of 6 clips right now and it's held up on the highway (I should really fix that..).

Just get a size that fits snug, and use those.

Hmm, Gummy shopping tomorrow! :p:

Ok good to know. Thanks for the info. I was gonna make a run to the store now, but I think I'll be lazy and wait til tomorrow.

Interior panels use a different clip. They're Xmas tree clips. (Google that and you'll know what I mean.)

Run to the store now? Does Chicago have parts stores open at midnight? Holy.

Scrivet? :scratch: LOL

Bet if you contact AVS/Lund direct offering to buy the "hardware kit" they would send it free. All about good "Customer Relations". ;)

AVS® 23545 - Smoke Bugflector™ Hood Shield Installation

How much $$$ did you bet on this? Not only did they not offer to supply a hardware kit free, but after asking only for a size on the screw rivets, they stated they didn't know the size and proceeded to direct me to one of their retailers that could sell me the hardware kit for it. In other words, they have the screw rivets, but not the sizes on them...??

They directed me to "Steve's Van" and the part # they supplied for the hardware kit returned no results. If you do a quick search for bug shield 25558 on their website, it is listed for $71.99 ON SALE! Lol, you can find it brand new on Amazon for $41.99 and I should've just gone that route in the first place. I'd imagine the hardware kit they'd try to sell me would be $15-$20 or more for parts you can get for $2 or less.

I'm not in a rush to mount this because I need to adjust my hood or hood latch first. I'm pretty sure if I put the deflector on now, I'd break it somewhere when closing the hood.

How does that saying go? "Customer Relations makes the world go round"?...wait thats not right

Oh well, at least you tried. My past experience has usually been excellent when dealing with aftermarket companies direct.
Two that come to mind are Energy Suspension and Moog. Just FYI, if you've determined the size, here's an excellent source
for small parts with great pricing and shipping. Much better than buying Dorman parts off the rack with crazy markups. GL

