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Evaporative Dilemma


September 23, 2015
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2000 Ford Explorer
I recently had Oreillys scan for codes and it read that several componants of my evaporative fuel system was malfunctioning. When I got home, I found the entire back half of the system was missing. I do have the purge
valve and lines from front to rear, but nothing else. I found salvage yard that had the canister and solenoid, however, what they had was the evap system from an 02 explorer. Mine is a 2000.
Can anyone steer me to an accurate diagram of both the 2002 and 2000 evaporative fuel system?

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In rust-belt states the bracket for the evaporation canister rusts away and then it can can fall off (though usually it ends up in the spare tire).

Try to find one from a southern truck on eBay. Someone (Turdle?) recently posted a diagram of the evaporation system. There's a line that comes from the fuel tank and another than goes up to the purge solenoid under the battery. The canister also has an electrical component (solenoid?).

IDK what years are interchangeable, but I'm guessing '99-'01 canisters would be the same.

Well, no. Someone removed the canister, or canisters. They made the attempt to plug the lines and tank vent hose with bolts and tape.
A considerate thief, perhaps. The canister part numbers are the same, I'm just looking for the layout and which parts I'm still missing.
Thanks for the help.

Well, no. Someone removed the canister, or canisters. They made the attempt to plug the lines and tank vent hose with bolts and tape.
A considerate thief, perhaps. The canister part numbers are the same, I'm just looking for the layout and which parts I'm still missing.
Thanks for the help.

I have a 97, and the metal canister was almost completely corroded and disintegrated. My guess would be that your original unit also rusted out, and that the removal was a "fix". Salvage yard had a newer model that was plastic. Good idea, probably, for this application. The plastic one just hooked right up to existing connections. The good news here is that it really looks like the part should be interchangeable. Maybe you could get underneath a vehicle to check connections, except that the spare tire blocks easy visual inspection. As I recall, there was just the canister, and the connections, and there was not much more to it.

Good luck with this.

Mr. Alligator

Yeah, I had to replace mine in the back as the bracket was completely gone with the exception of 2, 1/2 inch strips between the bolts. I replaced my 1998 sport with a 2002-2003 evap system. Got the system from e-bay for 125 bucks and it was all thick plastic never to rust again, it also had and extra canister on it, but it fit perfect anyway.

Nice, I called the salvage yard told them I needed a canister and vent solenoid from a 2000 4.0. He said it'd be 25.00.
I was expecting to pay way than more that.. The guy who actually picked the part for me, brought me the molded plastic piece that fits on the tank, 2 canisters, all but one of the hoses, a 3 port fuel filter and an inline fuel pressure sensor. Still got it for 25 bucks. I still need the vent solenoid.

Excellent. Great price too.

So, I'm still scratching my head on how to plumb these Evap canisters at the rear. I have two canisters, a vent solenoid and hoses.
Under the vehicle are two steel lines, one running up to the purge valve and the other is a short piece, bracketed with the first line but then angles up towards the tank. poking out from the top of the tank is a short hose plugged with a bolt and tape. I need to clean the purge valve, then I'll try to piece the rest.

I found it much easier to disconnect it from the evap side as I like you found it impossible to disassemble from the line side, that way I just used the same line that I disconnected from the canister and fit perfect and no problems to this date. If this is in fact what you are going through. Hope that helped.

Does your line resemble this



sorry about the piss poor pics but clear enough to get the jist.

are you looking for which line goes where? are yours the same color code, green and white?

Yes, I know I'm over thinking this, but I want to understand the system. From the purge valve, the green line follows up behind the Pwr steering pump pulley and I think behind the thermostat housing, but from there I lose it. (the hose, not my mind). The little yellow/tan vac line from the purge valve solenoid I traced to the Vacuum solenoid up on the manifold. So, I'm assuming the tan vac line supplies the vacuum to the Evap system. The green hose from the purge valve vents the gas vapor into the manifold. The white hose goes back to the rear. Is this correct so far?

I don't have the color coded fittings as your pic shows, but the short line does have a green "ring". I'm looking at the vacuum diagram label and it shows the tank vent tees into the "white" line that returns to the purge valve. But it's all before the canisters. I could see it if the tank vent connected to the vent solenoid at the back, so the vapor is drawn through the canisters then out through the white line to the purge valve. Or, am I missing the whole concept here?

You have a much better grasp of it then I do. I know on mine it takes care of the gas fumes from the tank through vacuum then vents it through the rear of the vehicle, It is a pretty simple system on mine. If you like tomorrow, weather permitting, I can take a pic of where the different color coded lines connect to the evap in the rear I will gladly post it for you. Sorry I have never had to take it to the same level of investigating as you have. I only have the basic understanding of it and how it works. As you can see in the pictures I may have to replace those lines here in the near future as they are rusting badly, then I will have to do what you are doing, so please post your findings. If you need any pics of the lines in the engine bay I can (try), again weather permitting, that also. I recently had the engine pulled so most the lines are new and easier to follow. Hopes that helps even a little for you to get the evap working properly.

That would be great! But please don't go to too much trouble. I was suggested that I go to a salvage yard to see if I can get a better idea that way.
I actually pass a place with several explorers right out front.

It is no trouble. Soon as I finish my coffee I will "Get-er-Done"

Well here is the first one of the unit itself, it was out of a 2002-2003 explorer

Evap Canisters.JPG

On my 98 sport both the green and the white lines connect to the same canister in the same location

Evap Canisters (5).JPG

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The 2 separate canisters are connected by one plastic rectangle rail.

Evap Canisters (2).JPG
