What did you do to your 5th Gen? | Page 35 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What did you do to your 5th Gen?

Added a black rubber protector on the bumper behind the lift gate. Went with the non-OEM one because it wraps over the edge nicely. I let it sit in the sun to warm up and this made it easier to bend it to conform with the curve of the bumper.

Which protector did you get for the bumper? I ordered one from amazon, but was less then impressed when it was delivered (pretty much just a textured sticker).

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Which protector did you get for the bumper? I ordered one from amazon, but was less then impressed when it was delivered (pretty much just a textured sticker).

I bought the one that's mentioned by others, Its P/N BCM-EXP11-Dawn "Ford Explorer rear bumper protector guard." It wraps over the edge of the bumper. I recommend doing it in a warm environment (I waited for a sunny day) so that the rubber flexes more easily and the adhesive cures properly. I bought my through Juicedhybrid.com. Easy purchase and swift delivery.

It looks great, is embossed, and is way more than just a strip of rubber with adhesive.

Which protector did you get for the bumper? I ordered one from amazon, but was less then impressed when it was delivered (pretty much just a textured sticker).


This is the one mentioned, the cheapest I was able to find it.

The only thing I don't like is that water gets underneath, and will squish out if you press down on it. With all the tape they put on it, you wouldn't think it was possible.

^ ^ ^ Yep, that's the one I just installed on my Ex. Great.

Note to self, check the weather report before doing any car mods. Atleast I got both rears painted. Was just raining too much to do fronts which REALLY sucks cause that means another $40



Note to self, check the weather report before doing any car mods. Atleast I got both rears painted. Was just raining too much to do fronts which REALLY sucks cause that means another $40

View attachment 95920

View attachment 95921

Do you live in the SF Bay Area? I was going to replace the air filter today and we had intermittent sunshine, rain, and hail.

Did you paint or plasti-dip, how did you mask?

Do you live in the SF Bay Area? I was going to replace the air filter today and we had intermittent sunshine, rain, and hail.

Did you paint or plasti-dip, how did you mask?

Fairly certain he used the G2 Caliper kit.

@MrWickd Looks great! Did you go with orange? They look orange in the photo, but I was thinking you were going with red for some reason. (Mine looked red in the first set of pictures despite being orange, haha.)

Edit: Never mind. Went back through the thread and saw you went with orange. Not sure why I was thinking you said red. (Must be old age, haha.)

Fairly certain he used the G2 Caliper kit.

@MrWickd Looks great! Did you go with orange? They look orange in the photo, but I was thinking you were going with red for some reason. (Mine looked red in the first set of pictures despite being orange, haha.)

Edit: Never mind. Went back through the thread and saw you went with orange. Not sure why I was thinking you said red. (Must be old age, haha.)

You might be thinking of me that was going red, since we were all talking about it at the same time. It's on my to do list, but there are a few things ahead of it yet. After seeing those, I'm excited about them again.

You might be thinking of me that was going red, since we were all talking about it at the same time. It's on my to do list, but there are a few things ahead of it yet. After seeing those, I'm excited about them again.
Ah, you're probably right about that. We'll have to get in touch with G2 and work on some kind of discount for the forum users since so many of us are doing it/have done it, haha. It won't help us, but might help future forum members. :)

Added the window shades to the Ex. Will drive around with them for a bit to see if I want to keep them

Added the window shades to the Ex. Will drive around with them for a bit to see if I want to keep them

Window shades? :wtf:

Added a homelink visor.

Installed the console vault, went in pretty easily. Now to figure out how best to stash some change for the meters since you lose the coin tray.

Installed a new AEM dry air filter. Cleaned out the air box and the inside of the snorkel piece with the circular clamp around it. Went in with no problems.

Thought I'd install a new K&N Cabin Air Filter, the YouTube videos made it look pretty easy. Not for me.
  • Released the tension cord and it shoots back into the recesses :eek: OK, deal with it later, how bad can it be, right?
  • Released the two tabs to drop the box lid down
  • As I was lowering the box lid I hear a snap ... can't be good. Try to realign the lid to see if it still works. NO. That infamous solid right ring is split, that was the "snap." :(
  • Gave up on trying to open up the Cabin Air Filter box, I was too distressed about the broken glove box hinge
  • Frantically look online to see if I am doomed with the box lid, and noted the price for a replacement but one post said the box will work even with a broken ring on the right
  • The elusive tension cord is hiding. Takes a flashlight, slim jim (car burglary tool) and a dental pick to coax it out. Just as I'm trying to line up the trapezoid fitting and button, it lives up to its name "tension" cord and pulls out of my fingers back into the cave. After three attempts I get it back in.
  • By opening the "solid" right ring at the split I get it over and around the pin it pivots on but ... WILL IT WORK?
  • Yea, lucked out. In disbelief I tried the glove box door a bunch of times before I was sure it was working.
So, two out of three things I did to my Ex worked out today. I'm going to "soften" the inside of the vault so it won't scratch guns, cameras, etc.

Do you live in the SF Bay Area? I was going to replace the air filter today and we had intermittent sunshine, rain, and hail.

Did you paint or plasti-dip, how did you mask?

Not in the SF bay area, I'm in Orange County. Used the G2 paint. Didn't mask anything, just a steady hand.

Fairly certain he used the G2 Caliper kit.

@MrWickd Looks great! Did you go with orange? They look orange in the photo, but I was thinking you were going with red for some reason. (Mine looked red in the first set of pictures despite being orange, haha.)

Edit: Never mind. Went back through the thread and saw you went with orange. Not sure why I was thinking you said red. (Must be old age, haha.)

Thank you sir. Yea, I went with the orange. Red is just too popular. Originally was going to do the lime green or electric blue but I like the look of the orange

Installed the console vault, went in pretty easily. Now to figure out how best to stash some change for the meters since you lose the coin tray.

Installed a new AEM dry air filter. Cleaned out the air box and the inside of the snorkel piece with the circular clamp around it. Went in with no problems.

Thought I'd install a new K&N Cabin Air Filter, the YouTube videos made it look pretty easy. Not for me.
  • Released the tension cord and it shoots back into the recesses :eek: OK, deal with it later, how bad can it be, right?
  • Released the two tabs to drop the box lid down
  • As I was lowering the box lid I hear a snap ... can't be good. Try to realign the lid to see if it still works. NO. That infamous solid right ring is split, that was the "snap." :(
  • Gave up on trying to open up the Cabin Air Filter box, I was too distressed about the broken glove box hinge
  • Frantically look online to see if I am doomed with the box lid, and noted the price for a replacement but one post said the box will work even with a broken ring on the right
  • The elusive tension cord is hiding. Takes a flashlight, slim jim (car burglary tool) and a dental pick to coax it out. Just as I'm trying to line up the trapezoid fitting and button, it lives up to its name "tension" cord and pulls out of my fingers back into the cave. After three attempts I get it back in.
  • By opening the "solid" right ring at the split I get it over and around the pin it pivots on but ... WILL IT WORK?
  • Yea, lucked out. In disbelief I tried the glove box door a bunch of times before I was sure it was working.
So, two out of three things I did to my Ex worked out today. I'm going to "soften" the inside of the vault so it won't scratch guns, cameras, etc.

OMG! I went through the exact same thing, including snapping that stupid ring because the pin on that side would NOT come out. I had to take pliers to it to get it to move. I persisted and changed the incredibly nasty cabin filter, though. I went with the K&N filter in the box, and just a Purolator for the cabin filter. Both of my hands were cut up from that day, and I was doing some serious cussing. I might just pay the dealer to do it next time.

Well today I got my 5th gen Explorer. A 2014 XLT. I love it. Now I am on my 6th Explorer.


Ordered the Evitek LED high beams that a number of other users have switched to last night. Despite being a Prime member they still won't be here until Monday, which means it might be next weekend before I get them installed. I guess we'll see.

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