What did you do to your 6th Gen? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What did you do to your 6th Gen?

For today, drove it to work with Fred sloshing ashore. Last Saturday, a Steeda RSB and RedLine Tuning hood struts. Before that, splash guards, AeroSkin hood protector, AVS vent shades. 30% tint on the front windows and a 15% visor.
I am thinking of putting in the Hood struts for mine as well. How hard was the install? It would be nice if Ford would put that in factory stock since this is a high priced car

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I am thinking of putting in the Hood struts for mine as well. How hard was the install? It would be nice if Ford would put that in factory stock since this is a high priced car
I put hood struts on my last 3 Mustangs but that was more for car shows (Roush 428R, RS3 and GT500). They are convenient but I'm not sure how much I'll have the Explorer hood open. I'll have it open for a few minutes to wipe it down and check fluids in the garage.

I am thinking of putting in the Hood struts for mine as well. How hard was the install? It would be nice if Ford would put that in factory stock since this is a high priced car
It was easier than my Speed 3. That involved more drilling. The Mustang was fairly easy, too. This took 30-40 minutes and the old "measure twice, drill once" adage. I put a magnetic parts cup under the site, not realizing the hood's aluminum :rolleyes: I spread the cargo mat across the engine so no random conductors dropped in bad places.

I put hood struts on my last 3 Mustangs but that was more for car shows (Roush 428R, RS3 and GT500). They are convenient but I'm not sure how much I'll have the Explorer hood open. I'll have it open for a few minutes to wipe it down and check fluids in the garage.
I just can't stand that damned prop rod getting in my way. Plus, if I've leaned on it before I got home, I let it idle with the hood up to let the turbo cool down.

I ordered them from Running Board Warehouse (?) and are Steelcraft STX100's . Took about 3 hours. The hardest part of the installation was getting the bracket bolts in. There's a plastic cover that is in the way and the instructions say to remove it. I couldn't figure out how that's done so I ended up drilling holes in the plastic to allow the bolts to clear. Probably is easier to just cut the plastic covers off in lieu of removing the plastic. Other than that it was easy.
Thanks to you and peterk9 for responding. Have filed info in my “build” folder.👍

Did a wi-fi Sync update today.

New front and rear pads.


