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Fog lights / Driving lights

Mike Schnieders

New Member
November 15, 2017
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Charlestown, in
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Exlorer
just replaced fog/driving lights with after market.
Getting power to the push button on dash, one side only so I'm taking it that the push button is the connection.
So far I've changed the relay switch, another push button on dash still no lights.
Any help would be appreciated.

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In stock configuration, Don't the fog lights only come on when low beam headlights are on

In stock configuration, Don't the fog lights only come on when low beam headlights are on

Yup. In stock configuration, your low beams need to be on for the foggies to work. The way the system works (to the best of my memory) is the fog light switch on the dash, when pressed, provides a ground for the coil in the fog lamp relay. The hot side of that coil is attached to the low beam +12v*, on the passenger side. The power for the foggies comes off the battery, and through this relay. Thus, when both the low beams are on, and the dash switch is pressed, the relay coil has both +12v and GND, and closes. This allows power to flow through the relay from the battery to the fog lamps.

The fog lamp relay is in the ancillary accessory distribution box under the air filter housing, on the passenger side of the engine bay.

*note: You can move this wire from the low beam 12v to the parkie 12v feed to do the infamous Fog Light Mod (see below). Search the forum for that term, if you like, to find detailed instructions.

In stock configuration, Don't the fog lights only come on when low beam headlights are on

The headlights or parking lights must be on for fog/driving lights to work. Also, power (or maybe the ground) from the fog light switch on the dash activates a relay in the small auxiliary power distribution box located under the air filter to power the fog/driving lights. If sure there's a fuse involved too.

I hope they're not cold white LED because that will blind your distant vision more than no fog lights on at all... some of the things pimped on amazon, ought to be a crime.
