Clearing codes harmful? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Clearing codes harmful?


Well-Known Member
February 24, 2014
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City, State
Las Vegas/Henderson NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 EB Explorer 4x4
96 EB 4.0 OHV 167K mi.
I get p0171 and p0174 codes when the temps are on the colder side.
I think it is probably upper intake gaskets. I am going to clean the MAF this weekend.
Are there any ill effects to clearing the same codes on a weekly basis?
Rough idle at start up and engine is dead cold. High idle it for a few minutes and I'm ready to drive.
There isn't any driveability issues once it gets going. Still getting 15 mpg.

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been doing it on my 99 XLS OHV for a couple years now,, once the engine warms up past they don't come back, no drivability issues even in -30 weather,,

I clear mine once in a while. Runs great for a while/bit, then the check engine light comes on...

Would definitely clean the maf..... I have 95 v6 EB........ I get 18mpg avg......

Would definitely clean the maf..... I have 95 v6 EB........ I get 18mpg avg......

I used to get 17ish mpg...Rebuilt the trans and I lost a consistent 1 mpg. Added the roof rack and lost another 1 mpg.
Going to grab a new air filter while I'm cleaning the MAF.

96 EB 4.0 OHV 167K mi.
Are there any ill effects to clearing the same codes on a weekly basis?
Rough idle at start up and engine is dead cold. High idle it for a few minutes and I'm ready to drive.
There isn't any driveability issues once it gets going. Still getting 15 mpg.
Don't know of any negative effects, but why would you clear the codes? Are you expecting to find something else, or is it just because the CEL is bothering you? A piece of black tape is a lot more effective than clearing - it will block the light as long as you keep it, while clearing will work for just a short time.

96 EB 4.0 OHV 167K mi.
I get p0171 and p0174 codes when the temps are on the colder side.
I think it is probably upper intake gaskets. I am going to clean the MAF this weekend.
Are there any ill effects to clearing the same codes on a weekly basis?
Rough idle at start up and engine is dead cold. High idle it for a few minutes and I'm ready to drive.
There isn't any driveability issues once it gets going. Still getting 15 mpg.
No issue with clearing codes, it does not even reset the fuel trims. Just resets the readyness monitors and you have a P1000 (not ready) in memory.

The EGR valve can leak to the atmosphere giving you about +10 fuel trim, maybe gaskets too leak a bit, so you are at 20 and you get those codes. Put some propane or brake/carb cleaner around the EGR valve (underneath) and see if the fuel trims change.

Clean the MAF too, it can set those codes.

Download forscan software, check for misfires too. You may have some at startup.

96 EB 4.0 OHV 167K mi.
I get p0171 and p0174 codes when the temps are on the colder side.
I think it is probably upper intake gaskets. I am going to clean the MAF this weekend.
Are there any ill effects to clearing the same codes on a weekly basis?
Rough idle at start up and engine is dead cold. High idle it for a few minutes and I'm ready to drive.
There isn't any driveability issues once it gets going. Still getting 15 mpg.

There's no harm to clearing the codes (unless you're due for emissions testing), but it doesn't help to clear them as the codes are meaningless other than telling you there is a problem. I agree your issue is most likely leaking intake manifold O-rings/gaskets.

Don't know of any negative effects, but why would you clear the codes? Are you expecting to find something else, or is it just because the CEL is bothering you? A piece of black tape is a lot more effective than clearing - it will block the light as long as you keep it, while clearing will work for just a short time.

The main issue for clearing the codes is because the CEL drives me crazy.
Other than that it's really no big deal and I will eventually get around to really diving into the issue.

The main issue for clearing the codes is because the CEL drives me crazy.
Other than that it's really no big deal and I will eventually get around to really diving into the issue.

Then (as @1998Exp suggested) I think putting a piece of tape over the CEL is easier than having to clear the codes repeatedly, but it's up to you.

96 EB 4.0 OHV 167K mi.
I get p0171 and p0174 codes when the temps are on the colder side.
I think it is probably upper intake gaskets.

TIP: At the same time you change your upper intake rubber gaskets,
change your IAC Valve (Idle Air Control) rubber gasket,
as over the years that gasket gets crushed as well - and affects your Ex's idle.

Don't skimp - Get the genuine FORD gasket:
$4.00 at Rock Auto (and use the Serious Explorations Discount Code).


If it was me, I'd replace the upper and lower manifold gaskets. Both have a real-world lifespan of about 100k-150k, and we're talking about a 1996 w/ almost 170k.

Also, the plastic on mine is getting really brittle, so I'd check all the little red and white hard vacuum lines for cracks. Easy to do when you have the upper intake removed.

TIP: At the same time you change your upper intake rubber gaskets,
change your IAC Valve (Idle Air Control) rubber gasket,
as over the years that gasket gets crushed as well - and affects your Ex's idle.

Don't skimp - Get the genuine FORD gasket:
$4.00 at Rock Auto (and use the Serious Explorations Discount Code).

I clean my IAC every year or two and have tried 3 combinations:

Stock rubber gasket, hand-cut paper gasket (no gasket goop, using a roll of bulk gasket material from (Autozone?)), and both the rubber and a paper gasket at the same time.

All worked fine, though I don't recall the factory finish on my IAC. I might have lapped the base with sandpaper to make it very smooth and flat.

I could see a benefit in resetting the CEL instead of putting tape over it, that if you have some other problem develop before you get this initial problem fixed, having the CEL come on for that could give you an earlier warning, providing you don't just assume it's the same old problem and check to see what the codes are.

Got the EX smogged yesterday. No stored codes. Passed no problem.
