1st Mod on 2018 Platinum | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1st Mod on 2018 Platinum

Barry Trobaugh

Well-Known Member
July 4, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Memphis Tennessee
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 Platinum
Hello everyone,

New here, but a "forum" member for decades. Corvette Forum and Glock Forum are the two longest-running homes for me.

Just wanted to say I am enjoying the '18 Platinum. Lots of premium appointments AND that wonderful Ecoboost powerplant.

I am always looking to better any vehicle I have owned, so I added a goodie today that was easy and necessary:

Problem: Opening the hood when the engine is hot, especially here in the Memphis area (96* today), the hood-prop is usually too hot to handle.

Remedy: Took a piece of vacuum hose, cut about 4" and made a slit down the length. Placed it just behind the loop in the rod to avoid the clasp that holds in the "down" position when the hood is closed.

Outcome: Now I can grab the prop without burning my hands, easy to use and CHEAP

Take care !!

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Welcome to the Forum Barry.:wave:
You may be interested in this; Hood Struts ??


You didn't really do it until you post pics. LOL

Okay, I added a pic, so NOW I have officially mod'ed my Platinum !!!!!

Like the C5 in the background. Have an 18 C7 Vert.

2003 50th Anniversary. It has been fun now for 15 years. Only 40K on the clock, been rained on three times.

Makes me smile for sure.


I know it's an Explorer forum, but.............
