Touch up paint for sport body molding/flares? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Touch up paint for sport body molding/flares?


Elite Explorer
September 7, 2019
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97' Explorer Sport OHV
Hey just wondering if anyone knows the paint code for the flares on a 97 sport. Some asshole at work backed into my flare. Looking to just touch up where paint is fully scuffed off so it looks good from 5 feet.



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Just go to the salvage yard and get one off another Explorer. That's what I did after a lady backed into mine and cracked the thing. Got mine for around $50. Much easier than repainting it.

Just go to the salvage yard and get one off another Explorer. That's what I did after a lady backed into mine and cracked the thing. Got mine for around $50. Much easier than repainting it.
I found one at a junk yard I may look at. Just some bolts and clips to pull off right? It’s from a 98 so hoping it would be same colour and fitment

IIRC there's three screws a 13mm bolt and a bunch of clips. Cost to fix is about $300. I've seen them on ebay for around half that price. Yes, 95-01 is all the same.

Go to the auto parts store and get a can of touch up spray paint. Sand it smooth and spray. It should match almost dead on, or you can always spray the others to match.

I believe the colour to be called medium graphite on the flares don't know the paint code#
