2007 Job 1 Radiator Replace | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2007 Job 1 Radiator Replace

Paul Fithian

Elite Explorer
October 12, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Long Beach, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Job 1 RWD V8 Limited
I installed a new radiator due to seam leaks on the top tank. Several great videos on this, see:

Note that Job 1 early build Gen2, until 8/7/2006, use a different radiator than shown in the above videos. Since mine was built 3/29/2006, I used Spectra CU 2816. Fit perfect. Attached picture is with the side plates bolted on to the radiator.

I had previously replaced the stock trans cooler line fittings with Dorman 800-621 with double "O" Rings. Brian Makuloco's video above suggests going with Motorcraft or Spectra Premium radiators to enable use of these Dorman fittings to prevent trans cooler fluid leaks. Note differences in attached. I removed the fittings that came with the radiator and re-used the Dorman fittings.

Very few tools are needed to complete this job. Large socket for the trans cooler fittings is 27mm. Sockets needed are 8/10/13 mm. Long extensions, magnet, and pick tool are suggested.


  • CU 2816 Radiator.jpg
    CU 2816 Radiator.jpg
    353 KB · Views: 239
  • Stock vs Dorman Trans Cooler Fitting.jpg
    Stock vs Dorman Trans Cooler Fitting.jpg
    223.3 KB · Views: 224
  • Radiator Install Tools.jpg
    Radiator Install Tools.jpg
    139.8 KB · Views: 240

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Nice write up! I may be looking at doing mine. I watched the first video. Did you remove your fan, as he instructed in the video? I’m asking because last year we changed the AC condenser in my son’s 06 Mustang. It’s pretty well the same job as changing the radiator, but we didn’t remove the fan.


I did not have to remove the fan, there is plenty of clearance if you tie back the condenser as shown below. Another suggestion that will help is to tie back the power steering reservoir to get it out of the way.

I had to replace the newly installed Spectra Premium due to a leak that showed up a few days later. I returned that one under warranty and installed a Motocraft RAD20 6L2Z 8005 AD
Condensor Ties.jpg

Motocraft RAD20.jpg
PS Resevoir Tie Back.jpg

Thanks for the additional pics and part number. That’s the one I’m going to need. Can’t believe that you had to do the job twice!

Remember, the radiator that I used is specific to Job1 Gen2 Sport Tracs built to 8/7/2006. Vehicles from 8/7/2006 require a different radiator, Motorcraft RAD38 8L2Z8005A

Yes, thanks. Mine is a June 2006 build.

I just replaced mine today, on an 08 V6...about 5 hours said and done after reservicing the coolant and transmission fluid. The special tool for the transmission line fittings worked on one fitting, but not the other. A youtube video showed where you can hacksaw off the flare of the fittings without damaging the line, which is what i did. It worked well.

After hooking up the overflow tank, i have a slight leak where the rubber line attaches at the nipple by the radiator cap. $5 dollar line and 10$ shipping...
