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New member here! First time Explorer owner, Ford person. Having an issue...


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July 28, 2020
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2012 Explorer Limited
I want to know what dark magic used car dealers use to make something work for 2 days and then present problems.

2 days ago i bought a white 2012 Explorer limited! I have been very happy with it so far, today it presented its problems...

Sitting in my truck on break I hear sounds like a button is being pressed multiple times. I thought it was something my phone was doing so i ignored it.
I got off work after dark, It was a beautiful night. Windows down, sunroof open, letsgo.jpg.

I try to turn off the climate control. Physical button does not respond. Okok, to the infotainment system. This works...

For one second.

Back on goes the AC on LO. **** this Im tired lets go home. It keeps turning back on the whole way, Im fighting it. Can barely watch the road.
Im broke from buying this thing and trying to save gas... Then it gets worse...

Passenger zone starts creeping up, spitting thermonuclear heat from its vents and arctic air from my side. I see it creeping up after I turn it back down. Cant shut the ****ing thing off. for 2 points it stops turning itself back on for a few miles. after a while I cant fight it anymore. Blow your cold and hot and burn up my money. I feel myself thinking. I ****ing hate this truck. Then i die inside. I spent all day looking at it out the window enamored with it. I wanted to give it a beautiful angelic name, I came to Pristina, and now this.

I think the physical buttons for the passenger side are malfunctioning. or the whole button panel? I know theyre not real buttons, rather, touch sensitive sensors?

I feel taken by the dealer. my heart is heavy as my beloved becomes unpure in my mind. And I panic because i cant live like this, hell I can barely afford this thing, let alone pay to get this fixed right now. I took some video that i may share later, but any help would be apriciated.

Heres to hoping it magically fixes itself for my commute to work today. I should have remembered all those years I have of experience with fords.
Remembered my '10 Taurus SHO, and how they may be amazing, but are problematic and prone to failure.

EDIT: Youtube links for ya!



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I can't speak to your specific problem, but I would absolutely be contacting the dealer about it. Being only 2 days after purchase, I would hope they would take care of you on this. We bought a 2014 that ended up having a wheel bearing going out a week after purchase and the dealer took care of it for us, so it does happen. Good luck.

I can't speak to your specific problem, but I would absolutely be contacting the dealer about it. Being only 2 days after purchase, I would hope they would take care of you on this. We bought a 2014 that ended up having a wheel bearing going out a week after purchase and the dealer took care of it for us, so it does happen. Good luck.

Its a used car lot. Whats he gunna say? "Haha?"

Its a used car lot. Whats he gunna say? "Haha?"
Welcome to the Forum Stephanie. :wave:
Most vehicles come with some sort of warranty. Go back as suggested and see what can be done. Hot on one side and cold on the other is usually a sign of a blend door or blend door actuator problem. That doesn't however explain the temperature creeping up. Did you try shutting the fan OFF?
You can also check to see if any trouble codes were stored. Probably best to get to know Ford?lincoln dealer or a dependable independent garage.
What is the mileage on the Explorer. Also, check the front edge of the hood for possible paint bubbling.


Its a used car lot. Whats he gunna say? "Haha?"
You need to take it to the dealer and get on the record with them your problem. Check into your state and local laws to see what protections you have. Do this quick or you will be stuck with no recourse to make them fix the problems.

Welcome to the Forum Stephanie. :wave:
Most vehicles come with some sort of warranty. Go back as suggested and see what can be done. Hot on one side and cold on the other is usually a sign of a blend door or blend door actuator problem. That doesn't however explain the temperature creeping up. Did you try shutting the fan OFF?
You can also check to see if any trouble codes were stored. Probably best to get to know Ford?lincoln dealer or a dependable independent garage.
What is the mileage on the Explorer. Also, check the front edge of the hood for possible paint bubbling.


Haha! got it in 1. also 180k The issue is I hear and see the digital readout changing in the infotainment system. Sounds like a stuck button or dirty circuit board or something. So this bubbling... there appears to be some powdewry stuff under it. I was just gunna hit it with some rattlecan white. Any clue what that powdery stuff is?

Edit: My warranty is 1 year powertrain 0 deductible. Dont think this would be covered.


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The powertrain warranty would not cover that. As for the hood, that is corrosion that you are seeing. Unfortunately it appears to be common on the 5th generation Explorer with the aluminum hood. Hood Paint bubble issue only

