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My new Explorer


Elite Explorer
February 13, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Hudson valley
Year, Model & Trim Level
‘15 XLT
Picked up this white platinum beauty. 2015 xlt with 151,000 miles. Has the touchscreen (no nav), leather seats & panoramic sunroof. The water pump had a very slight leak when I had it checked out prior to purchasing (was told only started recently), but was told other then that it was very solid. I was able to get most of that big job negotiated into the price with new chains & associated parts (including new spark plugs). Had it done at the ford dealer.

I gotta say it’s very quiet and cushy like a Lincoln. Totally different animal from my ‘07 Limited.


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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I'm not sure what you meant by "new chains". A leaking water pump in these 5th gen Explorers is not a good sign. The water pump is inside the engine. Did they replace the pump?


Thank you. I still have my ‘07 for now too so I’m kinda between both sides.

Sorry I will clarify. I had a brand new water pump installed along with having the timing chains, tensioners, guides, etc changed while they were in there. There was no evidence yet of the coolant mixing with the oil. My buddy who’s a tech at one of the local ford dealers (who initially looked at it and did the job for me) said it was something that just started on there we caught it in nick of time.

Well, I guess you were lucky there. Hope it all turns out to be a positive experience. My 2011 Limited was the same colour.


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I'm not sure what you meant by "new chains". A leaking water pump in these 5th gen Explorers is not a good sign. The water pump is inside the engine. Did they replace the pump?

He means primary/secondary timing chains. Have to come off to do the water pump.

Thank you. I wasn't aware there were 2 of them.

That's weird, the two replies before mine didn't appear until after I replied, maybe my browser didn't refresh. Wasn't trying to beat the dead horse with obvious answers there. Hmmm...

Software gremlins.

Slick looking ride! i laugh at the differences between when i get out of my 96 X awd and hope in my wifes 06 mounty haha its always kinda like for as well as the 96 does that 06 is like a pillow on wheels.

Thank you peterk9. Hope this is a positive experience as well. I’ve hear good things about the n/a 3.5. Seen a good handful of them & the related 3.7 reach well over 200k back when I worked for Mazda.

03WIExplorerLtd I paid $9000 (part of which I took out a small loan) plus $1300 for the work. I paid my buddy’s employee rate on parts & service so I have a 2 year unlimited warranty on parts and labor. Still think it was a good price on a ‘15. I see plenty of 11’s & 12’s with this kind of mileage still going for around that price.

MakinJeepsWeep! Thank you, but you definitly see yourself coming and going a lot in these lol. I hear you on the differences. It’s like how I felt going from my old ‘02 Grand Cherokee with the solid axles to the ‘07 Explorer. My wife was never a fan of driving the Jeep for that reason
