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Global windows open


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August 21, 2020
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2020, Explorer & XLT
Hi all,

I got 2020 explorer xlt, does it have global windows open and close? I tried many time I pressed on the key fob unlock and hold but not working I tried all instructions on youtube. :confused:

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No it does not.

If you have 1 touch down front windows, then global open should work. If so, you can check in sync if it's enabled. Go to settings > vehicle

If you have 1 touch down front windows, then global open should work. If so, you can check in sync if it's enabled. Go to settings > vehicle
No global open in 2020 models.

No global open in 2020 models.
Page 98 of the Manual shows "Global Opening (if equipped)". That would mean it is available on some 2020 Explorers.


Works on my 2020 Platinum:)

Works on my 2020 ST

Another one here. I can confirm it works on the Canadian version of the 2020 ST. I also saw you can activate the global close function through forscan.

I'm guessing that the OP's XLT is not equipped with the feature.


I'm guessing that the OP's XLT is not equipped with the feature.

I have a 2020 explorer ST that does not appear to have it however it does not have a sunroof so I was thinking it is only included if you have a sunroof. Any one with out a sunroof on a st have this feature.

Here is the info from the 2020 Explorer Owners Manual, you may have to activate it in the settings.
Screen Shot 2020-10-25 at 2.50.55 PM.png

In the display, go to Vehicle Settings, Windows, Remote Opening should be on!
Here are a couple of photos:


  • 8A119E97-313F-467C-9313-4FAFA659E288.jpeg
    111.3 KB · Views: 116

Just checked the settings on mine and I don't have the windows setting. Like WILMAC I don't have the sunroof so he may be correct on that.

It said the sunroof was supposed to pop open as well, mine didn't anyone else have that issue? Are the front windows the only ones that go down?

Just the front windows open, perhaps because the shade was closed on the sunroof. I'll have to try it with the shade open.


It said the sunroof was supposed to pop open as well, mine didn't anyone else have that issue? Are the front windows the only ones that go down?

Its just the front windows. The sunroof doesn’t vent. I checked a bunch at the dealer when I bought it.

I have a 2020 explorer ST that does not appear to have it however it does not have a sunroof so I was thinking it is only included if you have a sunroof. Any one with out a sunroof on a st have this feature.

Not sure why it seems tied to the sunroof option. I am 99% positive the one I test drove back in June didn’t have a sunroof and the global windows worked.

Never did get the moonroof to open with Global Open on my previous 2017 Platinum. Just the windows. The Aviator only has the Open and Close. The moonroof is not included.


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