6R80tranny | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jiri Fliger

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November 30, 2020
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Vysoke Myto
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2010 Explorer
Hi guys,I plan to replace fluid and filter in my 6R80 tranny, bought the motorcraft filter and mercon fluid, have the pan gasket ready in case the removed one is not serviceable any more. The question I would like to ask you, do I need to replace the small FT 161 filter as well? I have about 93k miles, 2010 XLT, 4.6. Any advice about that tiny filter?


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Hi guys,I plan to replace fluid and filter in my 6R80 tranny, bought the motorcraft filter and mercon fluid,
I believe your transmission does NOT use the Mercon V fluid. I don't have that tranny in mine but I think the 2010 uses LV. But check it out for sure before using any as a mistake can be big $$$.


So the LV fluid is also called Mercon, I didn't know that.

So the LV fluid is also called Mercon, I didn't know that.
Yes - they are both Mercon. But it is a good idea for the OP to make sure he is using the LV instead of the V.

I didn't know there was a small filter besides the main one. From everything I've read and seen, I'd say no.

I did that service on my 6R60 probably 5-7 times by now. Never replace that little filter, did not know it exists :) Tranny still running like new at 301k.

use Mercon LV for 6R80
Mercon SP for 6R60 (06-08)
Mercon V is for 5R55's with 4.0 v6

OK, thanks for info! will keep the small filter on shelf for future......:)

Dipstick on 6R80 is part of every filler port plug? or I have to buy that?

Dipstick is part of the tranny port plug (it's not physically attached to the 19 mm plug). I lost mine at one of the changes, you can get a replacement.
But I always measured how much fluid I dropped, and refilled same plus tiny bit more. Never really used the dipstick to check the level which is tricky.
