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Pineapple on Pizza?

Is there a good reason to put pineapple on pizza?

  • Yes I like it

  • No Way

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June 16, 2003
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Sometimes I like pineapple on a ham pizza, add some heat spices and all the flavors are satisfied.

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never!!!!!! sweet and savory as a whole do not go together.

Nope, no pineapple. Goes way back to when Pizza Hut started all this nonsense. I worked at a pizza hut at the time. Same goes for the nasty BBQ pizza. Hated making it.


Pineapples and ham, all day! Mushrooms optional.

Need a third option, I’m inbetween! :p I would never order it, but don’t think it’s a sin against mankind either. I would eat it if that’s the only pizza that was in front of me and be fine with it.

Need a third option, I’m inbetween! :p I would never order it, but don’t think it’s a sin against mankind either. I would eat it if that’s the only pizza that was in front of me and be fine with it.
ok true, its not a crime against humans, but not that id ever order it unless it was all they had

Personally no but my father loves pineapple and ham pizza

Used to order ham and pineapple from a local pizza place. One time they messed up and added pepperoni. Ordered it that way ever since 👍

I'm down for a pineapple and ham if eating enough pizza that I want the variety, but it's not my first choice.

Sorry but that’s a hard no for me, I’ll take a thin plain ‘ol neapolitan or Sicilian slice any day of the week

I'm from buffalo New York very good pizza
I moved to North Carolina. pizza sucks they probably wouldn't even know which pineapple to use Lol

I'm from Hawaii and dislike pineapple. Too acidic, especially fresh.

I genuinely dont mind it, dont go out of my way for it. But especially on pizza with ham, I really dont mind it

I'm from Hawaii and dislike pineapple. Too acidic, especially fresh.
Funny you should say that. I was able to visit Hawaii when I was in High School, and of course was able to get a taste of fresh from the field pineapple. I was amazed at how different it was from the "pineapple" slices from a can I was used to!

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I like pineapple, even lightly charred on the grille. I like ham. I just don't like the combo, especially on pizza.
Charlie Harper likes it though
