Coolant Hose Identification | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Coolant Hose Identification


New Member
November 19, 2021
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City, State
Haddonfield, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Ford Explorer XLT
VideoCapture_20230816-124850 (1).jpg

I am trying to identify this coolant line that runs above the frame at the lower driver's side. It starts near the lower hose connection to the radiator and goes above the frame to this connection. I am trying to find a small coolant leak and this coupling appears to have coolant showing in the gap between the hose and the connector (and a small amount of coolant is in the nearby area). It looks like on the driver's side it connects to a device in the lower left corner that has many connections, including very thin rigid metal lines coming from the top. There is also another line that is of similar construction/size as the one in the picture that runs along the frame from driver's side to passengers side between that may also be leaking (and has the same type connectors). Both of those lines are what I am trying to identify as well as how to remove/reinstall using those connectors (special tool needed? techniques, etc.).Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks!!

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Please post more pictures, I think I know what this is

Please post more pictures, I think I know what this is

Here is another picture showing the hose from front of vehicle above the frame (the lower driver's side of radiator is visible at top of the photo and the driver's side front tire shown in the lower left of the photo). Tx for any info!

All the crimped lines above the crossmember are the transmission or the steering liquid lines, not related to engine coolant lines

The one on the photo is probably transmission cooler/preheater line

All the crimped lines above the crossmember are the transmission or the steering liquid lines, not related to engine coolant lines

The one on the photo is probably transmission cooler/preheater line
That makes sense. Thank you for your help!

All the crimped lines above the crossmember are the transmission or the steering liquid lines, not related to engine coolant lines

The one on the photo is probably transmission cooler/preheater line
See that's what I thought, rubber lines usually aren't put on for trans oil as its pressure and temperatures make it a bit too much. If that is above the cross member on the passenger side, below the radiator, or connected to metal lines that run to your tranny cooler, it's your tranny cooler lines. I'd recommend to just get rid of it and upgrade to a bigger better one for only like $60

Tx much for the info...Looks like its actually the water pump that was seeping and leaking along the lines (I'm replacing it today and that should fix it). Tx again to everyone for the info.

Tx much for the info...Looks like its actually the water pump that was seeping and leaking along the lines (I'm replacing it today and that should fix it). Tx again to everyone for the info.
That would do it. While your down there and have everything off, go ahead and see if they'll check the timing chain too. Well, actually if your WP is in the front of the engine like the 4.0l sport, then can't hurt to ask since they are right there.

That would do it. While your down there and have everything off, go ahead and see if they'll check the timing chain too. Well, actually if your WP is in the front of the engine like the 4.0l sport, then can't hurt to ask since they are right there.
Sounds good - Tx
