Leaking Coolant from rear of Explorer??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Leaking Coolant from rear of Explorer???

Ironman Explorer

New Member
March 16, 2015
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Twin Cities MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Ford Explorer
I can't figure this out. Can you? At the very rear of the vehicle on my 2007 Explorer on the driver's side there appear to be 2 coolant lines. It appears as they are both leaking. Has anyone had this happen to them? Why are they there in the first place? At first glance it appeared the coolant was leaking from the muffler. I was very concerned about a head gasket. Upon inspection, the leaky lines are directly above the muffler giving me some relief. Any ideas or suggestions? Thank you!!

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Are you sure it's coolant and not washer fluid? There is a line that runs to the rear for the rear window washer fluid.

If you have rear ac and heat that is the heater core and ac core for the rear climate control.

It is most definitely coolant and not wiper fluid. And yes, it does have rear heat/ac. In looking at it again, it appears asthough there is some rust and corrosion in the area. I would like to attribute that to the salt and snow I drive in. However, if the core itself is leaking, I suposse that could be the culprit. I hope it's only the lines but I am doubtful. It looks like it has to go in to the shop unless anyone has any ideas for me.

Thank you for your responses.

This happened in my 08 Ex Limited. The hose clamps fastening the pipes to the rear climate control were almost rusted away. All that was needed was to put on new hose clamps.

Same thing happened to me, was draining about a gallon of coolant a day. The stock hoses have crimped on metal ends that either rust away or loosen over time and start to leak. I brought mine to the dealer and ended up paying $900 to replace both hoses. I would of used a cut off wheel on a dremel to cut the crimped metal sleeve off and replaced it with a regular hose clamp, but it was already winter and way too cold.

Glad to hear you got it fixed.

Hate to bump an old thread but I have a puddle by my rear passenger side tire. How do I get to these clamps being mentioned? I can't figure this out.

If there is a coolant leak at the passenger side its probally a hole in the metal line. To get at the clamps you have to crawl under the vehicle and look for the lines.

It seems like it's running from somewhere over the gas tank, does a line run over that? I am going to take off the skid plate on our today but I am hoping I don't have to Mrs with the tank, I just filled it.

Found the leak, can anyone help me with a part # or how I can reliably patch it? It is located at the bend coming up over the frame rail at the rear passenger tire

Got it fixed. Had to cut out the bad section and I just put in a section of rubber hose in place of it. Looks like the ebrake rubbed on it and that caused the leak. Makes no sense because they shouldn't have a ton of vibration but I guess that can happen after 155,000 miles.

Bumping an old thread. Anyone have any pictures?

There is a thread on this already with some photos. I found it some time ago for my son's Explorer by searching.

Pic 2010 Rear Lines. Had Rear AC running.......



guys for those of you that have replaced the rear hoses that were leaking what part # or hose type did you use. 2013 Explorer Sport rear AC/Heater Core coolant leak.

guys for those of you that have replaced the rear hoses that were leaking what part # or hose type did you use. 2013 Explorer Sport rear AC/Heater Core coolant leak.
Hey, I know this is an old post, but I have the same explorer and mine is leaking now. Were you able to find the part #s?? Or how did you fix it? Thanks

I fixed my drip by replacing the clamps holding the hoses on with screw type clamps. My original clamps broke when i tried to remove them and i did not need to remove the hose so no coolant loss.
If the rubber hoses are bad then you may just want to buy some heater hose of the correct size and some angle fittings to make your own hoses.
From the quick searching i did it looks like the rubber hoses and metal lines may come as an assembly.

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You guys got away lucky. The nipples coming out of my rear heating unit rotted away, one actually blew off causing a major leak. I fabbed up a temporary bypass till I got to the shop. Had to replace the entire rear heater unit
