1998 Explorer Eddie Bauer -Front ABS Sensor Bolt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 Explorer Eddie Bauer -Front ABS Sensor Bolt


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October 2, 2023
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1998 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I have a 1998 Explorer Eddie Bauer V8 that I have been working on lately. I have replaced the front end suspension, upper and lower control arms, struts, tie rods, sway bar links, . . . the works.

I recently replaced the steering knuckles and have new ABS sensors as well. The problem is that I misplaced the ABS sensor bolts. Nothing I have will bottom out and catch the threads.

Does anyone know what the replacement bolt length and threading would be for these?

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I have a 1998 Explorer Eddie Bauer V8 that I have been working on lately. I have replaced the front end suspension, upper and lower control arms, struts, tie rods, sway bar links, . . . the works.

I recently replaced the steering knuckles and have new ABS sensors as well. The problem is that I misplaced the ABS sensor bolts. Nothing I have will bottom out and catch the threads.

Does anyone know what the replacement bolt length and threading would be for these?
Could not find information on bolt.
It comes as a assembly with sensor from ford.
Give them a call maybe the counter man can give You a part number
If the opposite side wheel has the bolt remove it and check the size.

My original '98 front hub abs sensor socket cap bolt is 5mm hex drive, 10mm (standard for M6?) head diameter which is a tight fit against the ABS sensor, doubt that a much larger head diameter would fit.

It is M6-1.0 x12mm, in other words, 6mm thread diameter, 1.0mm thread pitch, and 12mm thread + shank (total without head) length. The top ~two millimeters of the shank are not threaded but this does not matter. It also appears that it had threadlock compound on it, but I find it hard to believe that this matters either, except that too much torque might crack the sensor eyelet.

It looks like Home Depot, among others, carries something compatible.


Were you having trouble with your ABS sensors? When I first, and again, had front ABS issues on my '98, it was the hub itself that was failing even though there was very little play in it yet.

I bought and installed a new sensor but then a few weeks to months passed and the problem returned so I replaced a hub, which came with new sensor and bolt, then several months later, had the issue on the other front wheel so replaced the other front hub too. The sensors or wiring can get damaged but otherwise don't really wear out. If they measure approx 420 ohms at the pigtail connector and it's not corroded, they should be good still.

Just mentioning this because you listed things you replaced but not hubs.

Were you having trouble with your ABS sensors? When I first, and again, had front ABS issues on my '98, it was the hub itself that was failing even though there was very little play in it yet.

I bought and installed a new sensor but then a few weeks to months passed and the problem returned so I replaced a hub, which came with new sensor and bolt, then several months later, had the issue on the other front wheel so replaced the other front hub too. The sensors or wiring can get damaged but otherwise don't really wear out. If they measure approx 420 ohms at the pigtail connector and it's not corroded, they should be good still.

Just mentioning this because you listed things you replaced but not hubs.
Actually they were working just fine when I replaced the knuckles. My Ex is the 2WD RWD model so the knuckles in front have the spindle for hub support. I was getting a lof of noise and play in the wheel hubs. I am fairly certain no one ever changed out bearings or repacked them. I swapped out everything, repacked and put the new knuckles on. My baby is so quiet now!

As for the sensors, I really didn't want to replace them but by this time I was frustrated and tired and didn't want to fight with them to remove them from the old knuckles. I also wasn't sure how much I'd have to bang on them to get them to come out. I ended up just disconnecting them from the socket and cruising without ABS for the time being.

My bolt size spec was for the front hub mounted sensor on a '98 with 4WD. I don't know if your bolts are that same size, had assumed you had AWD with same hubs.
