Turn Signal Switch Swap. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Turn Signal Switch Swap.


Well-Known Member
June 6, 2021
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2002 ST 4WD Premium
I've been doing some research on seeing if I can replace my turn signal switch with one that is bent in the opposite direction. I read on FB that a Ranger owner swapped theirs with a F-150. The purpose is really only to keep my left knee from hitting the arm while driving.


The individual stated this, "Message to all (98-03) ranger guys with a 5 speed, take the blinker stock off a 96-02 F150 and screw it into your Ranger, it makes a big difference having it point up instead of down, especially for you single cab guys over 6 foot that don't have room to move the seat. The downward pointing one always hits the knees, the f150 stock feels nicer on the hands and is completely out of the way!"

So, looking into this I found my 02 T/S switch has the same shape connectors on the back as the f-150. I also found this thread...

Searching for parts I came across this...

Screenshot 2024-03-08 0927111.png

I'm going to order this and swap it out with mine that angles down. It should be plug n play since it is listed. I'll let everyone know.

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Interesting. I would definitely like to see the results of your experiment when you're done.

Ok, I will confirm this does work with the switch I listed above. Hazards, blinkers, washer and all wiper settings work as designed.

Before... you can see the T/S switch below the headlamp switch.


After.... and now you don't


Did this a couple years ago. I think some newer rangers actually came this way.

Very nice! Love to have options with factory parts!!!

Very nice! Love to have options with factory parts!!!
I always try to do that. Then other owners start wondering why the fully loaded vehicle didn't have that option. lol

I wanted to put a '74/75 Montego front bumper on my '74 Ranchero, but I wasn't convinced it would work. The Montego bumper seemed to turn in toward the fender more than the Torino/Ranchero bumper. It would have been one of those things that a few people would have noticed, but couldn't figure out what was different (vents/openings) - like your turn signal switch.
