a new after | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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a new after

heres what is was before:
to what its become today:
three stages of evolution!

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Nice. Cool setup!:thumbsup:

Very cool! Looking good.

kinda like mine w/o the 2 extra lights. Very nice man.


It looks nice man... so did you just ditch the old safari bar and get a different kind? (BTW yes i noticed the roof rack and lights... just wondering what made you ditch the old safari bar, my guess is cus it was too low to the ground)

Adam: my safari bar got crushed when someone back into me in a parking lot so i wanted to get somethin a little different. plus i like how this one isnt as low. Rx4phun my altezzas got permanatley fogged up after putting alcohol in them to get the water out. they would still be on there if that hadnt happened. but thanks everyone, theres more pics in my photo gallery.
