31" or 32"? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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31" or 32"?

Thus far, I haven't ben able to get a straight answer doing my searches. I'll be doing a 2" tt with aal and shackles. Should I get 31" or 32" tires? I assume 32s will look better, but I am weary of rubbing. Is this a real problem? How do I fix it?

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31s will probably fit without any rubbing and will fit on stock rims. The 32s will most likely rub, especially on stock rims. You'd need to get new rims to space out the tires from the suspension and trim the inner fenders, front bumper, and rear corner of the front fenders.

31s it is! Thanks for your help.

Here is mine with TT/Shackles and 31s...


  • ttsh31.jpg
    68.5 KB · Views: 169

If you are thinking of offroading then I'd wait and get the 32"s. Stick on a 2" body lift for $140 first, which will fit 32"s fine with a TT and shackle lift. I am wishing I did that now.
