The Lift is Ordered | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Lift is Ordered

Well, I order my Skyjacker 6in class II lift today! $1100 with everything (radius, extended brakelines, brackets, shocks, everything), couldn't pass the deal up :cool:

Unfortunately someone rearended the truck last week, so I have some stuff to replace as well (Bumper & Molding).

The good news is, the insurance company is cutting me a check that will cover the dmg, as well as get my manual hub conversion kit and new front bumper with winch mount! (GOD I love being able to work on my own stuff!!) :D

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Update as of May 1

May 1

The rims came in today along with my manual hubs.
Hubs are installed currently.
Waiting on the final pieces of the lift before i make the drive down south to pick it up ;)

If everything goes as planned, I should be installing the lift over the weekend of my Birthday (hell of a b-day present) which happens to fall on Mothers day :(

Hey congrats!!! I paid 1,000 for my Explorer with a 5.5" lift already installed. Lucky me!!!

Heya AlaskanJack,

Thanks man.

Got a question for ya.
You went with a super lift 5.5 and were able to fit 35's without a body lift? Do they rub? I was thinking I would only get 33's under mine even after a 6in.. HMMM *ponders*

Nice looking rig btw :)

Originally posted by Siekyre
Heya AlaskanJack,

Thanks man.

Got a question for ya.
You went with a super lift 5.5 and were able to fit 35's without a body lift? Do they rub? I was thinking I would only get 33's under mine even after a 6in.. HMMM *ponders*

Nice looking rig btw :)

Well I paid 1000 for it just like it is. Already lifted with 35's light bar, brushguard etc. The fenders have been trimmed just a little. When I get home I can take a pic to show you. Compared to other wheel trim jobs, whoever did this one was careful and did an excllent job.

Also depends on wheel width and back spacing.

After much reading, I went with 15X8's with 3 3/4 BS. And after more reading about how doggy 33's are with 3.73's I think I will write off the 35's ;) at least until I can do a gear swap... *looks to the money Queen* Honey?

Tomorrow I call and see if my lift has arrived! I can't wait!


Well it took 3 days but the lift is in!! Next step, the super steering kit and to the alignment shop & then tires.

I wound up getting a superlift 5.5 kit. Thing looks huge even with the stock dinky tires on it still LMAO

YAY I am Elite now, so how about a picture of my truck now that its lifted.....



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Just got home from the annual Beach Bash a bunch of us do. Well I got the chance to flex it a little since the lift. Here's a few pics:


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From the other side:


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Heres one of trying to sink it in the soft sand :D


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Hey Siekyre!

Looks good!! If you wanted to bring the back up to level it with the front you should get teh Warrior shackels part # 153. THey should be around $50 and lift the back 1.5". Just a suggestion, it helps when you have a lot of gear in the truck. Being close to a beach, I'm sure you load up the grill every chance you get!

or he could leave as is-i like the prerunner look, nice truck!

Wouldn't a pre-runner look consist of a pre-runner bumper, big front flares and "GOBBS" of articulation?

And yes...It does look nice! I was thinking Beach, picnic and all of the beach supplies weighting down the truck!


Originally posted by AlaskanJack

Wow, that's close to what North Bend looks like. I didn't pay much attention at first. I grew up in that area. Small world!

Thanks for the compliments on the truck :D

Actually the picture was taken on Sunset beach, just north of Seaside.

Yes, I'll be loading up the grill and heading to the beach as much as possible this summer. Warrior Shackles are on the list to get, but I have other bugs to work out.

Currently List:

1) SOA Superlift brackets weld
2) Fix my driveshaft with isn't slipping (yokewise) unfortunately I believe the HULK put the bolts on the transfer case side (as I have bent 2 craftsman's 12 mm wrenchs trying to loosen them :(
3) Warrior Shackles
4) 4.10 or 4.56 gears (still undecided)
5) 4.0 rebuild

the order is subject to change as the needs LOL

I love Sunset beach. Go with the 4.56s unless you have the auto and drive the highway a lot. I loved the power with 33s and it gives you room so when you get 35s it will still be nice. So it rev's a little more. I'd get 4.10s if the T-case was easy to swap to lower gearing.

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Originally posted by Siekyre
2) Fix my driveshaft with isn't slipping (yokewise) unfortunately I believe the HULK put the bolts on the transfer case side (as I have bent 2 craftsman's 12 mm wrenchs trying to loosen them
Try a socket and breaker bar. You may need an extension to get some clearance for the ratchet. I know it looks tight, but I was able to get a torque wrench on mine. You may have to put in N to turn the driveshaft to get to all of them though.
