JAMES DUFF PRERUNNER BUMPER | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The James Duff prerunner bumpers come in two pieces now which allow the bumper to be shipped ups instead of motor freight, the bumpers come bare now instead of powder coated or arma-coated. The top hoop can be attached with the supplied (14) rivets and/or welded. I used the rivets till I could get my truck to work to weld the the top hoop.


  • before prerunner.jpg
    before prerunner.jpg
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  • james duff prerunner and kc lights.jpg
    james duff prerunner and kc lights.jpg
    71.5 KB · Views: 3,568

Nice bumper. I have always liked the JD bumper and it sure makes your truck look different :)

Thats weird, I have the old style 1 piece and it got shipped UPS. Yours looks good but I like the cleaner look of mine. I think the lights would look better mounted below the tabs instead of above. But hey thats just me. This is what I mean.


Looks awesome!

Those are so nice. I wish they hadn't changed the winch bumber like they did. I'd rather mine looked like yours with a winch plate. Guess I'll have to fab one up when I get the time.

Can you post a pic of where/how your skid plate is attached? I have a nice piece of steel that is going to be my skid plate, I want to see how others have attached theirs.

Sorry I haven't responded, I thought I posted yesterday but it must not have worked. On the bumper end I used ubolts around the tube and through the plate. On the other end just used some angle and flat bar to attach to the crossmember thats up there.


Do you have any problems with water getting in your lights with them mounted upside down? That was how I was going to mount mine but then decided against it because I was worried about water.
How do you like the dual shocks up front? Is that a James Duff dual shock hoop?

I haven't had any problems with water in the lights. Mine are just KC knock offs.

Looks good! Did you powder coat or paint?

I have had my front and rear Duff receiver bumpers for about 3 years now, they are strong as can be.
I use the rear to tow a #3500 boat no problem

Mine were shipped UPS as well, bare they were $190 front, $110 rear + shipping. I understand that price has gone up :)

Mine are for a BII.

High quality bumpers for sure

I rattled canned them for now, I am going to adding a skid plate and maybe a couple of extra light tabs in the near future when I am done I will get them powder coated. Maybe I didn't hear him right when he was talking about the shipping, anyways total cost was $305 including shipping and tax.

I have Duff shock hoops. They're ok. I don't have the duff hardware in front so I have them mounted to the swaybar mounts on the axles, running no front swaybar.
