Finally Elite! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finally Elite!

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Congrats! :)

Congrats on your new status :)

What part of Norfolk are you from... Im pretty close by:)


I live fairly near Little Creek Amphib Base and work @ the Naval Hospital in Portsmouth. You?


BladeWrythe said:
I live fairly near Little Creek Amphib Base and work @ the Naval Hospital in Portsmouth. You?


I live right off Shore Drive just east of the Little Creek Base... Know where Lynnhaven Inlet is and the Lesner bridge and duck in? Im right there!!! So are you on the oceanview side?


You're almost next door to me, lol. I'm actually on Military Highway, about 1 - 2 miles from Little Creek Rd, right next to the Super K-Mart. :smoke:


Will do. Mine's I'll add you when I get home tonight (can't use AIM @ work). My Yahoo IM is BladeWrythe69 if you use that.

Ok, and if you want to see pics of my rig, I just updated my gallery with some older photos. I've changed the rims and am finishing painting the bug shield now. I'll have some updated pics in the next week or so. :exporange

My future plans (so far) include painting the hood, a small lift, and a brushguard.


Ok, here's the pics, for those of you that want them...


  • Xplorer+Exterior+Front+Angle.jpg
    58.2 KB · Views: 194
  • Explorer+Exterior+Back+Angle.jpg
    55.7 KB · Views: 217

Congrats on becomming elite! :cool:
