Now have Daytime running lights ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Now have Daytime running lights ?


New Member
April 11, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Harrisburg PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
I took my 96 XLT in for the cruise control switch recall, added a couple maintenance issues since it was there .....

now, I have daytime running lights too. didnt want them, dont like them I'll turn my lights on when I want to ....

what did the dealer do, is there a way I can disable this, or do I have another trip back to my formerly favorite dealer ?



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he plugged the cable / connector back into the module in the lower front bumper, driver-side.

Was that an option new?
I have a 98 XLT and I dont have daytime running lights.
At least I dont think so.

should have added.... or the dealer replaced a faulty drl module.... how big was your bill for a "free recall"... :)

when I went in for the cruise control switch recall all they did wan snap in an inline fuse

If you dont want/need your DRLs i'll take the module and pigtail wiring off your hands :D... mine got crushed when I smashed the front bumper...:roll:

I'll pay the shipping... I'm located in Western New York...

you can pull the fuses for it. there is one in the fuse box inside the truck, and one with a relay in the distribution box under the hood. all canadian cars came with them from factory, and some from the us may have had them as well.

I do not like mine either but damn, unlike the dodge charger forums I frequent to find info on my charger, every time I have a question here, it has been posted and there is a great answer to it.

D a n a
