03 Engine start problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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03 Engine start problems


New Member
November 22, 2010
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City, State
Denver, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLS
I have a 2003 Sport Trac XLS that up till just a few weeks ago has been running like a champ. It has 68K miles on it.

My wife and I were in it one day and it drove fine. No stalling, idle was good, started perfectly. Stopped for less than 20 minutes and it would not start. It was sitting on a slight hill (entrance to a driveway) so we pushed it back till it was level. Still no go so I ran over to a parts store and picked up some starter fluid. Engine would catch, but die pretty quickly. The only book I had was the owners manual and they mentioned the emergency fuel switch under the kick place on the passenger side. I followed the directions to reset it, and it fired right off. The switch was not in a popped state though. We got it back to the house and replaced the fuel filter (had one that I had been meaning to put in) just in case it was clogged. Truck ran fine for another week.

My son drove to work (started fine that morning) and when he came back out 8 hours later the truck would not start. It turns over, but sounds like it is not getting gas. We took the ignition coil out to see if we could test it with a volt meter. According to the Haynes book and the values they listed it checked fine on all points (caps and power lead coming in). We put it all back together frustrated. Turned the key and the truck fired off.

At this point we are confused. We went and picked up spark plugs and replaced them. Didn't use Motorcraft, installed Bosch. Truck ran fine for two days before my son ran the fuel way down. Whether me putting a gallon of gas in it solved the starting issue or not I don't know, but it fired off after about 10 attempts.

At this point, it is hit or miss if it will start. One morning it won't start, but come back hours later and it fires right off (no attempts in between).

Does anyone have any ideas? There was another post (minus the alarm part):


That describes pretty clearly what we are seeing. At this point I don't know what to look at beyond what I have done.

Could it be the coil, plug wires, a sensor? When it is turning over it almost sounds like it is not getting fuel, but the last time it happened, even starter fluid didn't make it start.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

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.................mentioned the emergency fuel (inertia) switch under the kick place on the passenger side. I followed the directions to reset it, and it fired right off. The switch was not in a popped state though.

Have you reset the inertia switch again? These things are famous for causing trouble in Explorers for some reason. If it won't start, unplug the switch and jump the terminals with a paper clip and see if it starts. If it does, replace it. DO NOT operate the vehicle with the switch deactivated (jumped).

Be very careful with, use sparingly, that starting fluid or you'll be replacing an engine!

I will try that the next time it happens. The last time we did try to reset it, but nothing happened. The fact that it doesn't "pop" makes me think it is not that, but I am willing to look at anything at this point.

I did try calling around to parts stores to see what it would cost to replace it, but nobody carried it. Is that an item I have to go to the dealer to get?

Thank you

Dealer item I'd say. It seems to be a ball and cup contact type of thing. If your contacts, or your ball heaven forbid, gets corroded it gives you a problem......

Similar to this:

Did the inertia switch fix your vehicle? My brothers is doing the same thing.

