Contact at 4Wheel Parts wholesalers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Contact at 4Wheel Parts wholesalers


Well-Known Member
October 13, 1999
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River Forest, IL
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'94 XLT 4x4
Is the contact that this board used to have at the Memphis 4 Wheel Parts store still good? I found the number and name for the guy in a search, but I want to make sure that when I call he will still be there so that I can get the 10% off if I can.


Does anyone have an in with another person at 4 Wheel Parts? I am going to order a set of wheels and tires tomorrow and I'd like to get the best deal that I can...



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The one in Memphis may still be doing it but the bone heads in Cali wont and they are boneheads, unfortunately I know from experience

I am going to call that store directly when I order because I want someone that knows what they are talking about when I place the order, not just an operator.

That's why I wanted to know if he was still there. Thanks for the heads up about the Cali store though..


the contact in memphis used to be nick. he no longer works there. they still honor the discount though. i ordered through them a month ago and was told this.

Thanks. Could you email me who you spoke to and your real name so that I can tell them that you ordered there with the discount in case they decide to give me any grief about it.



31's here I come!!!

i honestly don't remember his name but he answered the phone everytime i called. i asked if they honored the explorerforum discount still (i asked for nick and he said he didn't work there anymore) and said they sure do still give the discount. i ordered a set of OME shocks from them about a month ago. just call and ask them.

Nick moved from the memphis store to the Austin store, but no longer works at the Austin store, he is now employed at the Plano store, he's the manager there

Here's the new contact info.
Address: 3001 East Plano Parkway, Suite 400
Plano, TX 75074
Phone: 972-578-7825
Fax: 972-881-7669
Business Hours
Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Local time)
Saturday: 9:00 Am to 5:00 PM (Local time)
Sunday: Closed

Originally posted by Racin' Ranger on

Well, goodbye Austin!

Well guys I guess the Austin thing didn't last long. However on a brighter note, I got xferred to Plano to become the new store manager. So I got one hell of a promotion! So now the discount will definately always be honored in Plano as long as I'm the manager there! Just giving everyone a heads up. This is as of Mon 3/10. Sorry to keep changing things up on you chubby!


P.S. on another note now i will be corrupted by foley!

Score!! I'll call Nick then at the Plano store... The stuff all ships from the store nearest you anyhow...

Thanks for the help...

