02 Sport Questions: Tires, Leaf Springs, Brakes | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 Sport Questions: Tires, Leaf Springs, Brakes


Well-Known Member
December 27, 2004
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City, State
Whitmore Lake, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Sport
Hey guys, got a couple questions real quick about my 02 Sport:

Tires- With winter now hitting in Michigan, I think I would like to purchase a good set of snow tires for the winter months. I've owned 3 SUV's and have never done this, but I think it would be worth it. Who makes a good tire for this? Maybe even a size slightly larger than stock? Keep in mind these are ONLY winter tires and will only see less than 3k miles a year. I do not have a ton of cash to spend, and buying used doesn't bother me. Where should I look? I would prefer to mount them on the stock wheels to save $$.

Leaf Springs- My X suffers from horrible rear end sag, and it seems to be getting worse. I remember seeing here that replacing the springs with a set from a 4 door X would solve my problem. What years will fit?

Brakes- I need new pads and rotors for all 4 wheels, I've been neglecting them through the summer, and now that the slippery roads are here it just has to be done. Is there anything special about replacing pads and rotors on a 4WD vs. 2WD? I've done 2WD, haven't done 4 yet.


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the 01+ sports are already multi leaf...search for shackels AAl and F-150 springs.

the 01+ sports are already multi leaf...search for shackels AAl and F-150 springs.

If they are already multi leaf, what causes the sag? It seems like my drivers side is a good 1-2" lower than the passenger side as well.

I'm also getting a pretty nasty bump steer in the rear end, is it the leafs, shocks, or something else?


what causes the sag? It seems like my drivers side is a good 1-2" lower than the passenger side as well.

Well.........can you envision this.......guy gets into his vehicle (driver's side) and drives to work or where ever.

Do you get it???

One more hint: Is there anyone sitting on the passenger's side??

Do you get it, yet???

Aloha, Mark

oh yeah and you know that liquid you have to put in the truck to make it go?....well the gas tank is also on the drives side.

Hey guys, got a couple questions real quick about my 02 Sport:

Tires- With winter now hitting in Michigan, I think I would like to purchase a good set of snow tires for the winter months. I've owned 3 SUV's and have never done this, but I think it would be worth it. Who makes a good tire for this? Maybe even a size slightly larger than stock? Keep in mind these are ONLY winter tires and will only see less than 3k miles a year. I do not have a ton of cash to spend, and buying used doesn't bother me. Where should I look? I would prefer to mount them on the stock wheels to save $$.

Leaf Springs- My X suffers from horrible rear end sag, and it seems to be getting worse. I remember seeing here that replacing the springs with a set from a 4 door X would solve my problem. What years will fit?

Brakes- I need new pads and rotors for all 4 wheels, I've been neglecting them through the summer, and now that the slippery roads are here it just has to be done. Is there anything special about replacing pads and rotors on a 4WD vs. 2WD? I've done 2WD, haven't done 4 yet.


Dont waste ur money on snow tires. Just drive accordingly. Snow = slower driving more stopping distance. Plus hell youve got 4wd.

Search im sure youll find a good bit for what to do with ass end sag... I just lowered mine (it helped bump steer too).

Brakes are Brakes.

Well.........can you envision this.......guy gets into his vehicle (driver's side) and drives to work or where ever.

Do you get it???

One more hint: Is there anyone sitting on the passenger's side??

Do you get it, yet???

Aloha, Mark

The truck weighs thousands of pounds, you think me (150lbs) getting in and out of it every day has caused 4 year old leaf springs to develop a memory? I'm not sure I buy that. A full tank of gas is only about 125lbs heavier than an empty one.

Anybody else have some input for me?
