02 XLT Power Seat - No Up and Down | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 XLT Power Seat - No Up and Down


August 11, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
San Jose, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
I have an 02 XLT. About a year ago the drivers side seat will not move up and down anymore. I press the switch up and I hear the motor trying but it does not move. It still moves forward and back and tilts, just not up and down.

Has anyone successfully fixed this? I am sure it is not a fuse or a wiring issue since I hear the motor trying to do something.

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Really??? Nobody has experienced this or fixed this?

actually your the first on a broken seat motor on a 3rd gen, 2nd gen you might find a lot more? either the motor is bad or the gearing is bad, or a lever of some sort,

what happens when no one is sitting in it when you try. try and see what the other side does and match it up to the driver side. . .

Thanks for the reply Jim.

There are only power seats on the drivers side so I cannot compare to the passengers side. If nobody sits in the drivers seat it still does not go up and down. All the other functions, back and forth, and tilt work, but the up and down just makes a motor noise but doesnt raise or lower.

I have had similar issues with mine. Check the wires inside the boot that runs from your front drivers side door to your truck. The wires get pinched and break and it causes problems with your power seat and can also cause problems with your lights under the side mirrors. These are the two issues I have had.

I have an 02 XLT. About a year ago the drivers side seat will not move up and down anymore. I press the switch up and I hear the motor trying but it does not move. It still moves forward and back and tilts, just not up and down.

Has anyone successfully fixed this? I am sure it is not a fuse or a wiring issue since I hear the motor trying to do something.

purchased my 02 limited used from Nissan dealer and passenger seat would not move forward or backward. they fixed for the sale but had to replace the passenger seat track assembly for some reason and works fine now except my puddle light on that side has stopped working. Rick

OK. Now that the holidays are over, I have taken a look underneath the seat. The wires look fine and I am not sure it would be a wiring problem since I can hear the motor trying to do something.

How hard is it to unbolt the seat to turn upside down and really have a good look? Are there seatbelt or air bag sensors that I need to worry about (don't want it to go bang)

OK. Now that the holidays are over, I have taken a look underneath the seat. The wires look fine and I am not sure it would be a wiring problem since I can hear the motor trying to do something.

How hard is it to unbolt the seat to turn upside down and really have a good look? Are there seatbelt or air bag sensors that I need to worry about (don't want it to go bang)

Yank the seat, the only thing attached to it is a wiring harness for the power seat module. No air bag sensors in the seats for your year. I pulled my power seat(s) from my 2003 XLT when I was doing my body lift...only 4 bolts, and a wiring harness.
