'03 Head Swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'03 Head Swap


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July 28, 2003
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I have a question about swapping the head in my '03 XLT. It came with the AM/FM/CASS/CD head unit. I just swapped it with a 6 disc in dash changer out of another '03 explorer, however it sounds like I need an amp or subs or both. I'd like to keep the "upgrade" as simple as possible (plug n play) Can anyone tell me what else I'll need to obtain the full sound I'm missing and where I can find the additional components? Thanks in advance!

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you'll probably need to get the stock amp and sub...i don't know what else you would need cause i don't see any other amps in my car. the amp and sub are located under the right rear panel...and you'll need to take all of the wire out of the car and install it into your car...your best bet is a junk yard...your best bet is just to buy a cheap cd player and cd changer...it would sound 10 times better and have better functions...i know that i hated my factory six disc just for the mere fact that it was a ***** changing cd's

Yeah......that's what I thought, but wanted to make sure. Thanks!

i'd sell you mine but then when it came time for me to sell my car in i woulnd't have one...

Thanks! Any idea if an aftermarket amp will take care of the problem? I'd like to keep the stock look. Will I need a sub too, or will just the amp make it work?
